How to treat furuncul

How to treat furuncul

Furunkula is a very dangerous and unpleasant thing. Red tubercles are formed due to the inflammatory process in the hair follicle. It can be caused by glotted bacteria that fall into a bulb as a result of damage to the skin. The furuncle is formed due to contamination of the skin, microcracks, scratches or excessive work of the sebaceous glands. The furuncle can be formed on any part of the body where the hair cover is present. It can be armpits, groin, face. A distinctive feature from other inflammatory diseases is that the furuncle does not appear on the palms and soles.

Wet warm compress from furuncule

Warm compress can acklain. To do this, you need to moisten a cloth in water and attach it to the heating. Warm wet fabric will remove pain, and will also improve blood circulation in the field of lesion. Enhanced blood circulation leads to an increase in the number of white blood cells, the main function of which is the destruction of infection.
When the furuncle is formed on the spot, which can be immersed in water, can be placed in a solution with sea salt to improve the efficiency of the procedure.

The effectiveness of turmeric for the treatment of furuncule

In ancient medicine, Furunkula was treated turmeric. It removes the inflammatory process, normalizes the functioning of the digestion and acts as a natural antibiotic.
To prepare the mixture, you will need a spoon of turmeric, which you need to dilute in water. It is impossible to take inside the turmeric if you drink medicines for blood wrapping. It is also contraindicated in the case of blockage of bile ducts. Turmeric can lead in dehydration of the body, for this reason you need to consume a large amount of water and there are products that have a lot of fiber. The paste resulting from turmeric and liquid is recommended to apply inflammation to accelerate cure.

Special Outfuncule Mazi

Thanks to ointments that have a drawing effect, a furuncle head is formed. After that, it is discovered by it through which the pus follows. In no case, do not press the furuncle, because it can extend the infection to the rest of the skin, infect blood, and in this case there is a fatal outcome.

For these purposes, the ointment of Vishnevsky and Levomecolhaving anesthetic property. You can also make my own ointment.

Mazi at home against furuncule

For the preparation of ointments, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • teas spoon powder turmeric
  • half Spoons of crushed ginger,
  • 1 Art. l. honey
  • little Salt.

All this is stirred to homogeneous mass. The resulting mixture is applied to gauze. Apply a warm compress to the furuncle. To do this, you need to cover it with food film.
The second recipe: take melted butter and combine it with a chip of bee wax and soap, then warm it again. The resulting ointment must be applied for 2 days without a film.
If the treatment takes place at home, then the issue of hygiene is very important. In case of contact with a furuncle, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands using an antibacterial agent. At the same time, this should be done not only before contact, but after him.

Folk treatments for boils

  • In order for the furuncle to be opened, you will need honey pellet. For cooking, the cake needs flour and spoonful of honey. The mixture must have a consistency of wet clay. It is necessary to apply it before opening the furuncle.
  • Another great tool for the treatment of boils is a baked bulb. It must be cut and attached to the furuncle.
  • Planting leaves have antimicrobial actions. They can be attached by a bandage to the affected skin.
  • Aloe incision to attach to the inflamed area and can be changed, because in aloe valuable fresh juice.
  • Yeast is an excellent prophylactic and therapeutic agent. Take inside the beer yeast you need a teaspoon three times a day.

The furuncle disappears in a few days, but sometimes it may be necessary for several weeks. With increasing body temperature and strong pains, in violation of the work of the immune system, as well as if red stripes appeared, which comes from a furuncle, then in these cases it should be consulted. He will appoint a course of antibiotics or bulletin Grunkul to exit him in pus.

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Eugene 17/01/2021 at 3:27

To get rid of the furuncle, you can apply naphtaderm ointment. In my experience, she best helps. I applied a small amount of this ointment on a boil, covering the vat and fix the plaster. I change this bandage a couple of times a day and less than in the week a furuncle passes without a trace.


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