Ichthyolic ointment in furunculach - how to use

Ichthyolic ointment in furunculach - how to use

The ichthyol ointment has an antiseptic and bactericidal property, so it is an effective means in the treatment of boils. In addition to its bactericidal properties, it soothes itching in the focus of inflammation and partially relieves soreness. In this article, we will look at how to use ichthyol ointment in the treatment of furunculosis.

Furunculosis It is a serious skin disease. Most often it strikes the skin of the face, back, buttocks, armpits and other places on the body, where the size of the sebaceous glands function. From this unpleasant illness, the ichthyolic ointment helps very well. Despite the fact that it rarely causes allergies and other side effects, still it is necessary to try it on any skin site by attaching for 20 minutes. If it does not arise redness, itching itch and swelling will not appear, it means that the ointment does not cause you allergies and you can safely use it.

For the treatment of furunculov, fluid ointment can be applied when they have already matured and they have white heads. If the uncomplicated acne has the ripening of the head happens quickly and also quickly it breaks through, then the boils have this process for weeks, and they are much more. Here, the ointment can quickly help, accelerating the breakthrough of the gun and stretching the entire pus outward, thereby stopping the inflammatory process.

If the furunculae appeared on the sensitive skin of the face, then the treatment must be carried out carefully, not allowing the ingress of ointment on mucous membranes and eyes. It will be best if you breed it with a glycerin solution 1: 1. Treating a furuncle with salicylic acid, apply a thick layer of a mixture of glycerol with ointment to the inflamed jet. Do not leave it on the face more than an hour. Clean the skin from ointments will help a cotton disk, moistened in salicylic acid. The procedure must be repeated 3-4 times a day. After the first application, you will feel a little relief - this means that the ointment has the right effect.

In the treatment of boils on the back, buttocks and other parts of the body, you can make appliques directly from ichthyol ointis. To do this, squeeze the ointment ointment on a piece of cotton or cotton disk and attach to the inflamed site. It can be secured by wool with ointment with the help of a leucoplasty, joining his cross crossing. Applique needs to be changed 3 times a day, allowing the skin for about 30 minutes to rest in breaks between treatment. Before bedtime, you need to attach a new compress and leave for all night without changing. The next morning the effect will be noticeable. If you do everything right, then the pussy will come out and will remain on the cotton, inflammation and swelling will significantly decrease, and the pain and itchy feeling will disappear.

The treatment of ichthyol ointment usually lasts 3-5 days, but with complicated cases will need more time. Before processing the boils and overlapping ompodio applications, do not forget to wash your hands with soap and abide by hygiene. This ointment is satisfied effectively and is quite inexpensive, but if you do not notice the expected effect within 2-3 days, it is better to go to the doctor who will appoint you a competent treatment.

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