How to get rid of psoriasis

How to get rid of psoriasis

Psoriasis is considered chronic and incurable disease. But this does not mean that all his life will have to walk with red peeling spots on the skin. With proper treatment, it will be possible to achieve a long-term remission and for a while forget about the disease. In this article we will tell how to get rid of psoriasis.

Hormonal ointments

This ailment is characterized by rashes in the form of red spots with peeling. Patients suffer from constant toide, therefore, often combing education. In open wounds, infections fall, which prolong the treatment of the ailment. For rapid healing, dermatologists recommend using hormonal ointments that contain a substance that is generated in the adrenal glands. These drugs are addictive, in addition, it is not recommended to use the tool longer than 2 weeks. It is necessary to treat the wounds, gradually reducing the concentration of ointment. For this, the medicine can be mixed with cream or apply to damaged areas. After canceling, rashes appear again.

How to get rid of psoriasis


Some experts consider psoriasis by an autoimmune disease, which appears due to a failure in the exchange of substances. That is why often dermatologists send a patient to the gastroenterologist. When healing gastritis and pancreatitis, it is possible to reduce the amount of rashes. Sometimes a gastroenterologist recommends passing a feces on dysbacteriosis. The constant admission of alcohol and fried food worsens the work of the liver, so it does not cope with the neutralization of all toxins. That is why it is possible to improve the condition of the skin with hepatoprotectors. The doctor may write an energous, hepaben, carcies or tea from the grass of a ram. In case of complex treatment of the liver and intestines, it is possible to achieve a long-term remission of psoriasis.

How to get rid of psoriasis

Lactobacilli and drugs for normalization of flora

Pathogenic and conditional pathogenic microorganisms living in the intestines are distinguished by a large number of toxins that are absorbed into the blood. It is the products of the vital activity of staphylococci and streptococci are the reason for the appearance of rashes. To improve the opening of the intestine, the gastroenterologist can assign lactobacterin, the lacted, Linex. These drugs contain lactobacilli that oppress the growth of pathogenic microflora.

How to get rid of psoriasis

Physiotherapy and Sanatorium Treatment

Reduces redness, itching and peeling resort treatment. It is recommended to take mud bathrooms. Dirt impose point or onto the whole body. Sea water due to the content of salts and trace elements favorably affects the course of the disease. It is advisable to limit the stay in the sun and swim in the sea only in the morning clock.


Mandatory in the treatment of psoriasis is a diet. It is worth completely abandoning smoked, sweets and alcohol. Drinks with gas and dyes are not recommended to drink. It is advisable to introduce natural fresh juices into the diet. You can not eat oranges and other citrus.

How to get rid of psoriasis

Folk medicine is also effectively fighting with psoriasis. The majority of drugs are based on birch dispatch. Very well removes itching and peeling shark fat. For the preparation of therapeutic ointments, mix the teaspoon of birch tar with honey and the cleanliness. Mix the mix thoroughly and use 2 times a day. Because of the unpleasant smell, it is recommended to close the wound with the ointment of gauze.

Comments leave a comment
Alice 18/10/2021 at 22:51

Everything is right, only about non-neuronal ointments from psoriasis forgot to mention. But there are such. They, of course, act slowly compared to hormones, but do not cause addiction. For example, I use naftaderm ointment in comprehensive treatment. For about a month, I smear and psoriasis retreats.

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