What does psoriasis appear from

What does psoriasis appear from

Why does psoriasis appear and how to deal with it? A frequent question defined in clinics involved in the treatment of skin diseases. This is a dermatological problem, which is characterized by the appearance of bright red itching spots on the skin (papul). It is often combined into huge areas of affected skin.

Psoriasis has many mysteries. Until now, an unknown accurate reason for its appearance remains. It is assumed that the development of the disease contributes to the mainly hereditary predisposition. People who in the genetic level inherited the opportunity to get sick from their parents, psoriasis begins to develop with the arrival of negative conditions. Medicine researchers have proven that psoriasis develops intensively between the ages of 15 and 23 and 56-61 years.

Since the exact reasons for the appearance of psoriasis remain a mystery, let's talk about the main versions of the disease:

  1. Immune version. Often Papulas psoriasis are manifested due to autoimmune aggression, that is, immune cells identify skin cells as outsiders and rejected them. But imminent impairment is only a "trigger" to identify the illness. The main reasons are deeper.
  2. Endocrine version. Hormonal disorders in the body are often called one of the main factors. The mechanism of passing the disease became known - the reproduction of skin cells is growing, and this warns that its regulatory function is impaired, and therefore fails in the endocrine system.
  3. Genetic version. It is based on the idea that the tendency to psoriaz the blood members of the family are inherited. Moreover, if the disease is revealed by one parent, the possibility of its occurrence at the heir is equal to 30%, and the disease of two parents causes 75%.
  4. Neurogenic version. Based on psychological reasons. Vasomotor neurosis, manifested in the walls of the vessels, contributes to their narrowing. Therefore, the blood supply to the skin of the skin is decreased, and psoriasis occurs.
  5. Viral version. Previously, the eskulapses indicated that infectious diseases exacerbate a disease, and often during this period he manifested itself for the first time. Now it is written off on the overall weakness of the body's immune functions. The direct dependence of viruses and psoriasis is not confirmed.

The main factors provoking the appearance of papules of psoriasis are:

  • Estimation and stress. Nervous breakies, for example, the loss of a loved one often provoke the occurrence of the disease.
  • Infectious respiratory tract, vaccinations - lead to a decrease in immunity, as well as drugs used for their treatment.
  • AND mmunomoodulators, antibiotics, vitamin complexesCauses immunity failures and some other types of drugs.
  • Embanking skin (lulls, cuts, bites), frostbite.
  • Negative impulses in the endocrine system. Any imbalance in hormonal activity can lead to rashes.
  • Wrong diet, alcohol. If you eat low-fat products, vegetables, fruits, carry out unloading days, lowering cholesterol content, the risk of getting sick decreases. Those who do not limit themselves in fatty food, sweet and alcohol, increase the possibility of manifestation of psoriasis.
  • Toxic and allergic skin reaction on various chemicals.

The impact of these factors for the most part is only indirectly confirmed. The manifestation of the disease occurs due to several reasons arising simultaneously.

Determine the psoriasis is easy - scratching papulas, you can observe the increase in large branches of the skin. Instead of the separated peeling on the surface there are small blood points from injured capillaries. The skin is made varying, softening ointments do not reduce the peeling process. Psoriasis - chronic disease, with a complex recovery process. It can be renewed even after a long remission.

A lot of myths have accumulated around the disease, and the most common is the ability to "acquire" them, communicating with the owner of the alend. Such a hypothesis is completely rejected by experts. All causes of the disease are easily stacked in two categories:

  • changes in skin cells;
  • failures in immunity.

Related factors (stress, environmental inconsistencies, injury) only complicate the flow of the disease, but are not the only reason.

Psoriasis worsens the quality of life. A person feels physical and psychological discomfort. Often begin with difficulties with social and labor adaptation. Dissatisfaction with the appearance, pain, obsessive itching - contribute to the development of mental disorders. Psoriasis is a serious obstacle to normal life.

Comments leave a comment
Malika 24/04/2017 at 0:20

Good article. By the way, I can accurate to say that the expression: "All diseases from the nerves!" - Absolutely true! And the psoriasis especially. And even considering that I am very emotional, imagine how hard it is hard for me. It is necessary to change not only the lifestyle, sit on a special diet, still all sorts of drugs and ointments. Just do not agree to hormonal, if only everything is not so bad. It is better to take something on a natural basis - the type of naphthalan ointment. It is sold at the pharmacy and is given without a doctor's prescription. I propose to be patient, because The process will take some time, but the results please!

    Larisa 04/26/2017 at 11:20

    Maybe I am mistaken by naphthalanous ointment, there is no long given in pharmacies, at least in Russia, from ointments on naphthalan oil like naphtadaders, in it there is a lot of it, it helps well, and it's not expensive


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