Why moles grow

Why moles grow

Moles, in scientific nevices, are benign neoplasms whose cells have an excessive content of melanin pigment. During the life of a person, they can appear on the skin and independently disappear without any health consequences. But there are cases when the nurses are reborn and cause skin cancer.

To the main reasons for the occurrence of moles on the body include:

  1. Heredity is one of the main factors. Maternity stains are even in newborns, and they are transmitted from generation to generation. It is also genetically predetermined and the possibility of the emergence of a large number of non-televisions on the body.
  2. The most active moles arise during hormonal changes. This is due to the fact that the melanotropic hormone of the pituitary gland is responsible for the level of melanin in the body. The peak of the growth of nonuses, as a rule, falls on the teenage period, as well as the time of pregnancy and after childbirth.
  3. Ultraviolet rays are another reason. Nature is so laid down that under their action in the body, melanin is produced, and the moles grow accordingly.
  4. Various diseases, inflammatory processes and skin injuries can also contribute to the emergence of non-units.

Experts allocate two main factors that contribute to the further increase in moles in the amount:

  1. Excessive irradiation of skin by ultraviolet rays. In pursuit of the beautiful tan, you risk getting skin cancer. In this case, the difference between what way you are trying to reach the skin chocolate color - resting on the beach or visiting the solarium, absolutely no.
  2. Injury to moles. Netures on the waist, chest, neck and back can be constantly damaged by clothes, and under the mouses, in groin and on the face - with shaving accessories. Moles in the hands are often subjected to chemical influence. Burn, including solar, may cause injury and growth of the nevus on any part of the body.

Rose of Molenia may also occur due to rebirth in a malignant tumor. That is why it is so important to know the main items for which you need to pay attention in the event of an increase in the nevus.

For ease of memorization of these signs, the doctors came up with the Akord system:

  • A - asymmetry. Right Mountain is symmetrical. The exceptions are the birthmarks.
  • K - the edge of the nevus should be even, without teeth and protrusions.
  • O - color uniform, without dots or streaks.
  • R - size. The more Nestus, the greater the risk of melanoma. Acceptable consider size up to 6 millimeters in diameter. But even in the absence of large moles, the risk of developing skin cancer. Also in close proximity should not be small nonuses.
  • D - Dynamics. The alarming fact is to loss of hair from the moles, the appearance of crusts, cracks and tubercles.

If you have noticed at least one of the above-listed signs, urgently contact the oncodermatologist or oncologist. Melanoma is a very aggressive type of cancer, metastases may appear after six months after the conversion of the mole.

Precautions allowing to prevent the growth of moles:

  • If possible, refuse the tan at all. If you really want to, then be sure to stick rules. Remember that in the peak of solar activity, it is possible to light up even in the shade of trees or under a canopy.
  • Dermatologists consider solarium very harmful to the skin and are recommended to refrain from their visiting.
  • Moles that are constantly traumatized should be removed without waiting for their rebirth. But it is necessary to do this only in specialized agencies, where after the analyzes of the material obtained.

Particularly carefully refer to their moles need to people of the so-called Scandinavian type of appearance, as well as those who have cancer and precancerous diseases in the family.

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