How to sunbathe in the sun

How to sunbathe in the sun

Almost 40 years ago, the tan on the tan introduced the unsurpassed Coco Chanel. Today, the trends of a beautiful and even tan adhere to the majority. But it is necessary to be attentive, so with the wrong tanning process you can get ugly skin pigmentation, serious burns, solar blow or skin cancer disease. The secrets of the right and healthy tan should know each.

Before you decide to take sunny baths, you need to check your skin for the presence of rashes and molds of the wrong shape. When discovery, you should contact a doctor for advice.

The sun rays are particularly saturated and pierced at lunchtime - from 12 to 15 hours, so sunbathing is better in the morning hours - from 7 to11 or afternoon - from 16 to 18. At the most intensive time of the sun, the ideal solution will be a vacuum under a canopy or sunscreen.

Tanning, try to change the body position every 10 minutes (to get a smooth tan). Remember that it is not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time. Let it be gradual - start sunbathing from 10-15 minutes, adding 5-10 minutes daily to the main time, not exceeding your stay in the sun for more than an hour.

A prerequisite for the right tan should be dressed Panama and glasses. Intensive Sun will not regret your hair - they will become dull and brittle, and Panama (preferably with wide fields) perfectly protects the hair and gentle skin of the face.

So that your skin does not burn in the sun, nor in water (the sun's rays penetrate the water to a depth of 1.5 m), nor near the water - use special creams, with a level of protection against your skin (people with light skin need a higher protection) .

If you do not wipe the water droplets after bathing, it is possible to heat up much faster, but here you should be neat, since such a tanning method can lead to the appearance of a burn, so wiping after bathing will be the right action.

After receiving the dose of ultraviolet, to secure the beautiful and right tan, it is necessary to take a shower and apply nutrient cream on the skin.

The right and beautiful tan can be achieved by using fruits that contribute to the production of a melanin pigment by the body from beta carotene. This substance is contained in carrot, pumpkin, melon, apples and peaches.

If you stick to these basic rules of the tan - after rest you will always look beautiful and effectively, while not sacrificing the health of your skin.

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Alla 10/15/2019 at 22:45.

In general, sunbathing is very careful! The skin of this tan is not very useful, she can, alas, start growing ahead of time. But if you decide to warm up in the sun, do not forget to use sunscreen, as well as offer during this period a course of Evalarov hyaluronic acid in capsules to avoid photo-based skin!

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