How to sunbathe

How to sunbathe

A beautiful smooth tan without words will answer for you on the question: "How was vacation?". However, it is necessary to sunbathe correctly. About how to achieve an attractive color of the skin and stay it longer, and it will be discussed in our article.

Choose the right tanning time. You can sunbathe in the first half of the day from 8 to 11 hours and in the second half - from 16 to 19 hours. From 11 to 16, being under the right rays of the Sun is strictly contraindicated, since it is at this time that the likelihood of obtaining a dangerous dose of ultraviolet is greater, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences, ranging from burns and thermal blows and ending with the development of cancer.

Being under the salty, be sure to drink more fluid to avoid dehydration. With you, you need to have glasses and a headdress to protect your eyes from bright light, and your head from direct sunlight. Women are not recommended to sunbathe topless, as it is fraught with the development of the cancer of the mammary glands.

When going to the beach, refrain from the use of deodorants and perfumes, otherwise the tan will fall on the skin unevenly. Be sure to use sunscreen, the higher it will have the SPF level, the less likely that you will return home with burns.

Keep in mind that the closer to the water you will be, the more intense it will go to the skin of the tan. Do not forget to turn forward more often so that the tan is uniform on all sides.

Returning from the beach home, be sure to accept the shower and use the special lotion to secure the received tan. If suddenly you notice that the skin has flusted and bake, it means you have stopped and instead of tanning earned a burrow. Treat the affected places with burns from burns or sour cream and try to refrain from the hike to the beach until reddening comes.

Tanned skin is good, but everything is good should be in moderation. Do not overdo it with sunbathing, because the excess amount of ultraviolet leads to premature aging of the skin and reduces its protective properties.

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