How to quickly tan in solarium

How to quickly tan in solarium

Every woman wants to look slim and tanned at any time of the year. In winter and spring leather returns its pale appearance, it leaves a smooth tan. Someone is very good, while others lose part of their originality and charm. If there is no possibility to go to hot countries on vacation and behind the bronze tan, then you can purchase it in the solarium. The tan will be smooth and beautiful if you follow several important rules.

Be sure to pre-consult your doctor. Solarium, like any cosmetic and therapeutic procedure, has its own contraindications. It is especially necessary to be careful those who have skin diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis, infectious diseases of the skin. In this case, a visit to the solarium may have severe health effects and it is necessary to refuse. It is necessary to show caution if there are diseases of the heart, liver, other internal organs. There is no danger to health in this case, but the tan can lie not exactly, stains.

Use peeling. Smooth and beautiful tan lies on clean, smooth skin, regardless of where you sunbathe - in solarium or under sunlight. To get rid of the irregularities and burned particles on the skin, no later than a day before visiting a solarium process the skin scrub for the body. The scrub must be fine-grained, align the skin, and not scratching. You can cook it at home: coffee thick, cook salt or apricot bones, crushed very finely. Perform preparation for solarium correctly and can tan in the solarium effectively and quickly.

To water procedures, take care of caution. Immediately before visiting, the solarium cannot be used in the shower means having a degreasing skin effect. Even the use of ordinary soap is not recommended. You can drain the skin by depriving it with a thin fat film, and even get a burn. Water procedures spend a day before visiting a solarium. Do not use toilet water, perfume or perfumed cream in front of the session.

Use the bronzer. You are mistaken, considering that long-term procedures in the solarium will make the skin bronze. Take procedures in solarium, starting with minimal doses and gradually increasing time so as not to harm the skin. Bronzators help to give the tank a pleasant even shade faster, starting with the first procedure. Special cosmetic can be purchased in a boutique or use natural dyes: cocoa oil, walnut extracts and sugar cane, means with beta-carotine, etc.

Pick right cosmetics for sunburn. In the solarium, cosmetics protecting from ultraviolet rays will not fit. On the contrary, it can spoil the expected result, slow down the process. In accordance with its skin type, select a special protecting agent for solariums. After a session, use moisturizing and cooling cosmetics. Such cosmetics will protect the skin, make a shade bronze faster, will fix the result. Therefore, it is not worth neglected.

Visit sessions regularly. Of course, when visiting a solarium, you will get a beautiful and even tan, performing procedures correctly. But, unfortunately, this skin color is not preserved for a long time, gradually "erased". It happens faster than with a natural tan under the sun. The skin brightens, because it is updated in layers, it is noticeable after a month after the last session. In the cold season, we constantly visit the solarium - this is the easiest way to maintain a bronze tone of the skin. In order for the tan to be saved as long as possible, eat foods with beta-carotene and retinol, vitamins A and E.

Prefer the vertical solarium. In modern salons, both types of solarium are usually offered: horizontal and vertical. The first kind of more traditional, familiar, but in the second - tan you will get much faster. Each type of solarium has its advantages, but if you want to achieve the result as quickly as possible, choose the vertical solarium.

When visiting a solarium, protect your hair. Carefully follow during the procedures for the condition of the eyes and hair. Especially if you decide on long sessions to heat up faster. Otherwise, you will get a contrast: Beautiful tan and unclean hair. Use a protective hat during procedures, powered and moisturize hair between sessions, make masks warning drying and weakening hair.

Correctly performing procedures in a solarium, following all recommendations, you will become a happy owner of an even and beautiful sunburn as soon as possible without harm to health.


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