How to strengthen the tan

How to strengthen the tan

Despite the fact that recently the tan is considered not the healthier procedure for the body, its popularity is not reduced. It is still considered one of the characteristics of sexuality and external attractiveness. Therefore, many people do not represent their holiday without chocolate-bronze "consequences" on the skin. We will share with you in small secrets, how to strengthen the tan and keep it for a long time.

Cosmetics for a good tan

The modern cosmetic industry has a large range of special funds created to strengthen the tan. At the same time, in addition to the basic substance, which will be responsible for the beautiful chocolate effect, the composition of such creams and lotions includes substances that will help your skin to move away in the sun without harm (antioxidants, moisturizing and nutrients, minerals and vitamins). To get the maximum result from solar procedures, pay attention to a series of tanning tools with DHA content (from 5 to 16%) or "Tingle" -EFECT. However, the latter is not recommended to use people with sensitive and light skin.


Oil for active sunburn

You can combine a good result with skin protection and using cosmetic natural oils for sunburn. Usually, such bottles, manufacturers include natural "activators" of tan in the form of coconut, wheat, palm oil, as well as avocado oil or cocoa. Additionally, such compounds are enriched with vitamins, beta-carotene,SPF.-Factors and vitamins. It can be used to strengthen the tan and the usual cosmetic or olive oil without protective components, but already to secure the result, that is, on tanned skin. Otherwise, it is possible to strengthen the tan, but a skin burn.


Tanning Products

Leaders among natural "dyes", with the help of which you can influence the depth of the tan, are beta-carotene, antioxidants, fatty acids and vitamins of group V. So boldly eat before going to the beach (or take with you) apricots, watermelons, carrots, melons , apples, liver, sweet pepper, tomatoes, eggplants, cheese, fish (especially salmon). Very well contributes to the tan of olive oil, especially in combination with the same carrots, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and fish.

Juices for rapid tan

Good news for Freeshe and Juice lovers - your love for these drinks can contribute not only to good well-being, but also a beautiful sunburn. Carrot juice and juices of citrus (grapefruit, orange, lemon, mandarin) are especially effective in this regard. You can add a little honey to lemon or grapefruit juice. It is better to start such a juice therapy 7-10 days before the alleged vacation, and during it - in the morning and before leaving the beach.


Homemade products for deep tan

The following domestic recipe for a beautiful tan is considered very effective: Mix 50 g of natural coffee (in the hammer form) and 100 g of walnut oil (any). Place the mixture into the glass container and leave for 1-1.5 weeks in a dark place, timefully shaking. After that, the outstanding active mixture is profiltit and apply to the body for half an hour before sunbathing.

Safety rules for good tan

To quickly get a beautiful tan, it is better to prepare to him in advance, namely, visit the solarium. So you will have less chances to burn and more chances to light up to a dark shade. Also try not to be outdoor in the sun during the Sun period (from 11 to 16 hours) and how to swim as often as possible. By the way, remember that the fastest of the tan "clings" on the skin near the water (pool, reservoir) and in it. Tanning, every 5-10 minutes change the body position and periodically lubricate it with a tanning tool (according to the instructions).


Trying to get a beautiful deep tan, remember that everything is good in moderation, including sunny baths. Therefore, take care not only about how to quickly heat up, but also on how to protect your skin from burns, wrinkles and dehydration.

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