How to keep a tan after the sea

How to keep a tan after the sea

On a beautiful and even tan dream of every woman. The fair sex visit tropical countries to have a dark skin color. Many people know that a tan acquired quite difficult to secure a long term. However, this is possible if you choose the right care for him.

In order to have a beautiful and even tan for a long time, you must take responsibility for the rules of care. Professional cosmetologists say that if you follow the correct diet and perform regular beauty treatments, sunburn hold on on your body much longer than you think.

Advance preparation of the skin before tanning will help to save

Before you go on vacation, it is important to prepare your skin for sunbathing. To do this, you should consume daily for at least two glasses of fresh carrot juice. Direct sunlight will not bring any good to the body. To avoid burns and uneven tan, it is recommended sunbathe under an umbrella or in any dark place. Before you go to the beach, be sure to align skin covering. This can be done through a variety of peelings.

Create a correct diet to save Sun

To tan was persistent and rich, you need to consume as many healthy foods filled with vitamins and nutrients. Owing to these products, your body will be able to cope with consumption malicious UV. Vitamins can be purchased anywhere near the pharmacy, but they will not be able to saturate the body so as to make it capable of natural food. There is a list of foods that contain vitamins B and E, their consumption will have a beneficial effect on sunburn:

  • vegetable oil and butter;
  • liver of any animal;
  • sour milk products;
  • vegetables, such as carrots, broccoli, cabbage;
  • citruses apricots, pomegranate, strawberry.

Permanent moisturizing and skin food for sunbathing

To avoid dry skin, each time after sunbathing, it is necessary to moisturize it. To do this, it is necessary to purchase special cosmetics with moisturizing and nutritional effects, it may be milk for body, lotions or creams. Delive to the choice of cosmetic tools as serious as possible. Note that the cream with the content of the following plants will help to achieve a better effect:

  • aloe;
  • extract of horsetail or arnic;
  • citrus essential oils.

At the end of the holiday should not stop cosmetic procedures. Continue using creams daily, at least two times a day. Person care with pink water, green tea, milk or cream.

Regular visits to a solarium to save tan

One of the most effective ways to preserve the sea tan is a regular visit to the solarium. In order to extend the tanning effect, one month after returning from the sea to purchase a subscription to the solarium. Visit it follow Not more than once a week for 7-8 minutes.

Several tips for saving the sun

Before you go to the warm edges, prepare the skin with a few cosmetic procedures.

  • Visit the Cabinet of the Cosmetologist, the specialist will conduct all necessary procedures. piling. And skin cleaning.
  • In order to get a smooth and rich tan follows the first few hours to be under the right sunlight, after which to move to more darken a place. In this way, you will ensure the safety of the skin and smooth tan.
  • You can use special cosmetics to strengthen the sun. They can be purchased in any cosmetic department. Such remedies should be used during the tan.
  • After the tan, do not take the bath, do not attend saunas and baths. These procedures are important for skin cleansing, and they can only harm the tan. Also eliminate the use of the washcloth, it can erase the tan, and unevenly.

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