How to go to the solarium

How to go to the solarium

No better decoration for skin than a beautiful smooth tan. He will hide small flaws and give a healthy appearance. And if there is no opportunity to soak on the sunny beach, it is quite possible to catch the solarium. At the same time, uncomplicated rules should be observed ...

The first rule that needs to be remembered: all the sun will not take. The same applies to the solarium. Be careful, the first sessions should not be longer than 3 minutes. Otherwise, you cannot avoid complications in the form of redness and even burns, and in the future itching and peeling skin. Do not overpay - choose a solarium with a comer payment. First, get used to ultravioletiolet and gradually increase the stay in the apparatus.

Before you go to the solarium for a beautiful tan, remember whether you have contraindications, chronic diseases. Not excess will be consulted with the therapist. Do not go to the solarium if you have diabetes mellitus, oncological diseases, thyroid disease and various colds.

Does not benefit the solarium, if your skin is abundant scattering of moles and freckles. And also, if in the recent past you performed, cleaning the skin, grinding and other similar procedures.

Create a plan of visits to a solarium. For high-quality and durable tanning, you will need no more than 3 weeks with a regular visit 2-3 times weekly. Let's breathe a breather, the re-course of the tan in the solarium does not earn earlier than in a month.

For better tan, prepare the skin to the session. To do this, it should be previously cleansed at home - make peeling with a scrub and moisturize with a nutrient cream. This will make the tan to make the tan to the more even and bright. Additionally, you can purchase a special means for sessions in solarium. These drugs are designed to hold beautiful skin color for a long time. Before using these means, learn the instructions, some of them need to be used in advance, for a while before visiting a solarium.

Attending the solarium follows without decorative cosmetics on the face. Since many means for Make-APA contain sunscreen filters, remove cosmetics from the face. Also, do not forget about a special dressing for eyes or glasses that will protect them from harmful radiation.

To avoid drying and damageing the structure of the hair, they also need protection. To do this, wear a protective hat.

Also do not forget to protect for delicate skin of the lips. So that it does not drive, use a hygienic lip or lip balsam.

Breast is a very delicate female body. Therefore, it is necessary to secure it from harmful rays using special protective agents that can be purchased at the store or in the solarium itself. Alternatively, you can use underwear. True, the synthetic is better not to take.

While in the apparatus, cover also places with tattoos. First, the paints of the knockers can discharge. Secondly, an allergic reaction may occur.

Leave your mobile phone, player and jewelry in the storage chamber, because they are not welcome in the solarium.

The golden rule of cosmetologists is not more than 50 visits to the solarium during the year. As well as two days at least between each new session. Stick up these simple conditions and please the look with golden skin color all year round.

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