Stain after burn how to get rid of

Stain after burn how to get rid of

Burn is very unpleasant damage. It not only hurts and burns for a long time, but also leaves after himself dark spots, the so-called "secondary skin hyperpigmentation". Spots from weak burns may be unlikely, they will disappear over time independently, but with more serious damage everything is not so simple. Their condition can remain unchanged to the pair of years, or even more, if not to take measures to remove them.

General recommendations

So that burns from the burn passed, care for them is regularly and carefully. It is better not to experiment, act with proven means. The best treatment will be a comprehensive therapy from several funds:

  1. Have a stain, protect it from infection.
  2. Remove inflammation.
  3. Lubricate ointments.

Following the recommendations below and combining the three points mentioned above, you will improve the regeneration of skin cells, and soon the track will disappear from the burn.

Avoid sunlight

Sun rays - the enemy of the skin. They do not contribute to the disappearance of the burns from the burn, as many people might think (remember the grandmother's "sit in the sun, and everything will be held"), and on the contrary worsen his condition. Protect the place of damage to sunscreen. During treatment, you will have to abandon the tanning and visiting a solarium.

Laser grinding

This is the most modern and fast method of removing stains from burns. Laser grinding is made in specialized clinics and beauty salons, sometimes even on the day of circulation. This method for the shortest possible time is guaranteed to save you from scars of any origin. The only drawback is the price. Such a procedure will cost you at least 10 thousand rubles, but if this amount is not a problem for you, then this method will be perfect.

Special medicinal ointments

There are special ointments that improve skin cell renewal, thereby slowly removing all skin imperfections: both scars, scars and footprints from burns. Examples of such ointments will be "Contractubek", "Panthenol", "Sittomycin", "Aktovegin", "Solkosaryl", "Midherma". We'll have to be patient: Mail a spot 2-3 times a day, and after a couple of months you will receive a positive result.


The funds of traditional medicine may not always help, but will become an excellent addition to complex therapy.

Aloe Vera juice


  1. Cut a few leaves of the plant, grind them to a casual-shaped state and wrap in fabric, best in gauze. From the resulting mass, squeeze the juice and handle the burn place a couple of times a day until the scar disappears.
  2. The compresses from the bandage moistened in the juice juice will be useful. Cut the leaves of the plant and divide them in half, then fix the cut to the scope. Leave compress for 1-2 hours or even at night.

Sea buckthorn oil

Twice a day, lubricate the stain from burning with sea buckthorn oil. His properties will accelerate the regeneration of the skin, reassure it, will be dried. Experts argue that the effect of this method will come in a month.

Natural bleaching agents

Dark burns from burns can remove products with whitening effects. This includes castor oil, zest and lemon juice, citric acid. Lubricate the stain with castor oil or lemon juice 1-2 times a day, make small compresses with lemon sister or pilling with citric acid in powder or granules. When using lemon, be careful: do not stand the compress and do not overdo it with pilling and juice. When applied, you will experience a slight pinching, this is normal. But if sensations are too painful, stop the procedure and the next time try to be careful. These funds will bleach spot from the burn, the color to the color of the skin as close as possible.

Now you know the most effective ways of getting rid of stains after burns. Combine above the proposed methods or clean the skin at once with a laser - to solve you.

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