Moles on the face can spoil the whole life of their mistress if the latter is too critical refers to his appearance. Is it possible to remove moles on the face and is it worth doing this? Medical professionals advise to delete the neoplasm only if the moles really interfere with living (big hanging) or absolutely a girl (huge flat, coated with hairs). Small moles on the face can even decorate - remember that several decades ago many women painted their moles on the face, the so-called "flyers".
If you finally decided to remove the mole, then it is worth it only in a medical facility. Previously need to consult with several specialists. Starting with a dermatologist - a doctor who is engaged in skin problems. The doctor will determine the form of the mole and, if he has any doubts, send you to the oncologist. Sometimes the removal of the mole can provoke the development of an undesirable tumor, so be sure to listen to the advice of both specialists.- Laser removal;
- Radiosurgical removal.
In the first case, the mole is removed using the finest laser beam, and in the second - with the help of high-frequency radio waves.

In an effort to be even more beautiful for yourself, and for others, you are going to remove moles from the face. Trust the specialists and be beautiful!
Eyes mirror soul. The author, not disgrace.