How to remove vascular stars on the face

How to remove vascular stars on the face

With age, you can detect the appearance of small red streams on the skin of the face. These red-purple veins, vessels and capillaries are called vascular asterisks. As a rule, they do not cause any concern except aesthetic. But many people rightfully consider them unattractive and strive to get rid of them. For this there are various ways, including surgical and others. Consider how you can get rid of vascular stars on the face without resorting to surgical methods.

The appearance of stars testifies primarily about insufficient blood circulation. Make a face massage twice a day to restore it. Every morning, use sunscreen with a stimulating massage, which will help hold back the further distribution of vascular web.

Watch for food. Use a high tissue diet and try to reduce salt consumption. This will help restore blood circulation and stimulate blood circulation. If the stars just started appearing, then the correction of nutrition will help get rid of them without resorting to more serious steps.


Regularly take a vitamin complex. Vitamins E and C helps to strengthen the walls of the vessels, which over time thinned and become fragile. Meet your doctor about a particular complex and dosage. Perhaps it is better to pass tests to identify the lack of vitamins and trace elements.

Check the condition of the cardiovascular system. There is a possibility that the problem is more serious than just cosmetic. Perhaps asterisks indicate varicose veins of veins, which requires treatment with specialists.

The reason for the appearance of vascular plexuses may also be hormonal disorders. Women can temporarily show vessels on the face during pregnancy, menopause or during puberty. Also, this problem may appear during the reception of contraceptives. Meet your doctor about the alignment of the hormonal background.

Therapeutic creams and ointments. Take these funds in the pharmacy and check the reaction of your skin to allergenicity and compatibility before using them on your face.

Sclerotherapy and laser therapy. These procedures help get rid of such a problem once and forever. They are somewhat painful and expensiveness. If the above procedures did not help you, you may be prescribed such treatment.

Watch out for your health and the general condition of the body. Consistent temperature differences, improper nutrition, smoking and alcohol contribute to the appearance of vascular stars on the face. Try to avoid it and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Galina 11/10/2019 at 11:45.

I had such a problem because of bad blood circulation. She took the same dihydroquercetin, tried more water to drink, the active lifestyle began to lead. Ugh pah, everything was put in order. Recently, analyzes handed over-with blood everything is in perfect order, and the stars began to disappear)

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