How to remove balls on the face

How to remove balls on the face

In the youth, the skin is elastic and smooth, and the contour of the face is smooth and clear. Over time, under the influence of gravity, soft fabrics begin to descend - and the contour of the face saves. But everything is corrected, the main thing is to follow several rules. Learn how to remove balls and regain your youth and freshness.

Take a habit every day to allocate 15 minutes of time the ritual of care. In addition to the necessary cleansing, toning and humidification of the skin, gymnastics for the face and simple self-massage should be included.

Grasp the face with your hands in such a way that your nameless fingers lay on nasolabial folds, medium - on the "apples" of the cheeks, and the index ended in the ear goat. Now wide open your mouth and slide your lips on your teeth. Smile and save such a position for 30 seconds.

Position the index fingers under the chin and intensively rub this zone with a minute with the mail. Slightly feel like a neck and chin with the back of the fingers in the ascending direction. At the end of the massage, spread the oil in the palms or face cream and light active movements. Integrate your face from the chin to the horses of the ears, trying to raise balls. Make sure that there is no skin relent.

Make a face mask with the effect of lifting and repeat it twice a week. Use the finished or mix it yourself from what is at hand. Apply a mask on the skin of the face and neck, relax and lie calmly. After 15 minutes, you will be warm water, wipe the skin with tonic and apply a nutrient cream. Well will help lemon (2 tablespoons of zesto juice + 1 tablespoon of liquid honey) or egg (1 egg + 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese) mask.

Follow your posture. Constantly lowered chin and triple back promotes the "runoff" of the face, even in young and slender people. Strengthen your back muscles, wear a special corset, if necessary. During knitting, embroidery, reading and other classes, do not stay for a long time in the bent position.

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Often the reason for the appearance of balls is overweight. Take advantage of the simple formula for determining the body weight index. Divide your weight in kilograms for growth in meters, erected into a square. The resulting value that exceeds the number 25 indicates the excess weight of the body. Contact a nutritionist or select a balanced diet yourself. Try to move as much as possible: walking, dancing, swim, etc.

Moisten a small towel in a hot infusion of green tea, pick it up. Tensioning the fabric behind the corner and, pulling them in different directions, cover yourself around the zone of the second chin and balls.

For quick and pronounced results, contact the beauty salon. Together with a cosmetologist, pick up the procedure procedure that will help pull the face. Thermalifting of the face (RF-lifting), bioarming and biorevitalization in the form of subcutaneous injections are considered the most effective.

Make a circular face tightening. This option will definitely be the most effective, but also dangerous and expensive. We repeatedly think about such a step, carefully approach the choice of a specialist. And remember that common anesthesia and surgery may unknown affect your health.

The perseverance and self-discipline will make rid of the problem of the appearance of balls. Thanks to the home and salon complex complex, as well as attention to yourself, you will feel younger and more beautiful.

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