How to remove the scar on the face

How to remove the scar on the face

Scars decorate only some men, and that is a controversial question. But the girls scars are definitely not to face, therefore there are many options for deliverance from these flaws in modern cosmetology. Some methods will be offered in our article.

Scars on the face may arise in a variety of reasons. This may be, for example, the effects of injuries, wounds from bites or domestic scratches, traces after operations, pedestal, etc. If the scars are small - you can resort to home remedies from the scars. Here is a list of some of them:

  • Honey. It must be applied with a thin layer on the scar several times a day.
  • Massage using almond oil.
  • Cucumber extract. Apply to the skin for 20 minutes, after which we wash off with cold water.
  • Banana puree. Also apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes and flush with cold water.
  • Oatmeal. Mix 1 tbsp. Spoon of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of cream and a couple of lemon juice drops. Apply on the skin for 20 minutes and flush with warm water.
  • Aloe. Effective with shallow cuts, its juice helps to heal the wound and prevents the appearance of scars.

There is a considerable amount of cosmetic and pharmacy tools to combat scars, the main component of which is collagen or silicone. As a rule, the action of these drugs is manifested in the fact that the scar will be blossoming first, then swelling falls from it, and it becomes noticeable less. In the end, the scar either disappears at all or leaves after himself a small bright spot.

One of the most popular procedures in cosmetology salons aimed at removing scars is a laser grinding of the skin. The effect of it is noticeable after the first session, however, to fully get rid of the scar will have to make a couple of re-visits to a specialist. After each procedure on the site of the laser grinding, crusts are formed on the skin, which heal for ten days. But after the crust disappears, a pigment stain remains on the skin, which will be brightened with time. There are contraindications for this procedure, so before you make an appointment, it is worth consulting with your doctor.

Another effective salon method of struggle with scars is chemical peeling. According to the degree of influence, the peelings are deep or medima, which directly depends on which the structural layer of the skin will be directed by their action. Under the influence of a chemical preparation, the scar becomes thinner and acquires the color, as close as possible to the natural color of the skin. Be careful, chemical peelings also have a number of contraindications!

Do not believe advertisements, a means that helps 100% get rid of the scar, not yet invented. However, reduce the scar in size, clarify it and make it almost imperceptible quite real. It remains only to choose the method that is suitable for you.

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Lyuba 03/31/2015 at 20:29

I preferred to use the pharmacy dermatix immediately. This silicone gel and nothing terrible and complex in its use. But there is a very good result. My scar is visible only if you look at.

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Mila 04/04/2016 at 15:54.

I tried different, I liked Kelo Cote from the effective, American silicone-based gel. Even the son of mazala dissection - everything went. It is a pity that everything still will not grow an eyebrow in the dissected area (

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