Scram tattoo: how to close the scar

Scram tattoo: how to close the scar

Tattoos on the body have long ceased to be something flaying and shameful. Today it is not only a fashionable decoration, but also sometimes the only way to hide depressing flaws on the skin, which cannot be covered with clothing, for example, scars from burns or postoperative scars. In which cases, you can close the scars with a tattoo, and when it is not recommended to do - we will tell you in this article.

Types of scars

To find out whether it is possible to apply a tattoo over the scar, first need to determine what kind of species scar in order not to cause even greater harm of beauty and their own health. The optimal option - before going to the Tattoo Salon, consult with your doctor.

According to the medical classification, scars are:

  • nylons;
  • atrophic;
  • hypertrophic;
  • keloid.

It should be said that not for each of these scars can be applied an image. In some cases, it is generally forbidden to do so as not to aggravate the situation and not to give rise to an even greater problem.

Tattoo 3.

What scars can be corrected by tattoos

Tattoos without problems can be applied to normal and atrophic scars:

  1. Nimmotrophic scars in most cases are little reflected on the skin relief. They are bright and practically flat, but become more noticeable on the tanned body, because the injured places themselves will not sunbathe. The elasticity of such scars is almost the same as in healthy skin. During the tattoo, the paint lies evenly and completely makes the scar of invisible.
  2. Atrophic traces appear on the skin as a result of burns, complex windmill form, acne or after minor operational interventions. As a rule, these are small pits or irregularities. On the skin with such defects is also allowed to apply the drawing.

Theoretically, the image can be applied to the place with a hypertrophic scar, provided that its born cells can absorb the dye. This type of scar arises due to severe skin injury. When the damaged place begins to heal, the fibrous fabric grows and the scars acquire a strong relief, which is noticeably torn over the skin. They usually they are pinking or red, in the process of healing for a long time and itch.

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In which cases, the attachment of the tattoo is contraindicated

The only variety of scars, which is prohibited to cover the tattoo - these are keloid scars. They are the richest of all and look the most nonethetically due to the blue. Keloid scars are accompanied by painful sensations, a sense of strong skin struts and have an unpleasant burglar surface. Most often they occur when injury to the top of the chest, the back, the ushi. If you try to make a tattoo on top of such a shrama, then this can only worsen the state of the scar, provoking its inflammation.

If you felt firmly to apply a tattoo on top of the scar, thoughtfully treat the choice of drawing. Remember that this is practically for life. To bring the faded tattoo in our time, of course, it is possible, but it gives rise to smallness, but still additional scars. Very carefully choose the salon and the masters of the tattoo, because not every tattooker can perform high-quality pattern on the uneven surface of the skin. Ask, how sterility is observed in the process of work, what quality of ink and whether the master is used by one-time needles for applying an image. If you comply with all these conditions, you can forever get rid of complexes caused by scars and get a beautiful decoration of your body instead.

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