How to make a housing tattoo

How to make a housing tattoo

Temporary tattoo Henna or Mehendi is known since ancient times. Ethnic patterns, applied on the stomach, ankle, hands and forearms carried a certain meaning. Now the henna tattoo is used only to decorate the body. It is especially impressive as "Indian Vyaz" - openwork ethnic patterns on the rise of the legs, palms. Henna tattoo holds on the skin up to 14 days. When complying with the rules of application, you can make the image more resistant.

You will need:

  • lemon juice;
  • henna powder;
  • glass bowl;
  • measuring spoon;
  • sugar;
  • aromatic oil;
  • applicator;
  • thin bruster or toothpick.

Cooking pasta start 24 hours before tattoo applying. 20 grams of henna powder sift through the sieve and pour into the container. Add juice of one lemon and mix to homogeneous consistency. The mixture should turn out thick. Capacity with pasta to complete the food film and leave for 12 hours in a warm place. If you want to get a drawing of a brown color, add a pins of bass.

After the expiration of 12 hours, a teaspoon of sugar and aromatic oil is added to the mixture. They make the drawing more stable. After mixing all the ingredients, add fresh lemon juice again. The exact amount is difficult to determine if we add a teaspoon to get a consistency of thick sour cream. If the mixture turned out to be liquid, add the henna powder. Reduce the container again and remove for 12 hours.

Before applying the henna, the skin must be prepared. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wipe with alcohol. Rough areas of leather smoothed peeling or wash with a washcloth. It is necessary in order to make a tattoo with dead cells.

Figure is applied by hand or using a stencil. If you are still new in this matter, you can pre-draw patterns with a cosmetic pencil. Then a brush or toothpick circuit circuit. The rough version after drying the henna is easily removed with a cotton wedge with vegetable oil.

Applicator (syringe tube, syringe without a needle) is filled with paste and slowly extruded. The tip of the applicator does not concern the surface of the skin. Thinner patterns are drawn with toothpick.

If this is your first job, it is advisable to draw a sketch of the future drawing. Start with simpler patterns, geometric shapes. When using ready-made stencils, it must be fixed on the body area using a patch and filling the existing emptiness paste. Stencil is removed only after drying the henna.

After applying the pattern, the skin is cleaned with eucalyptus oil for better penetration of the henna and for more saturated pattern. Enhance glitter, image brightness sesame and almond oil. Tattoo dries around 8 hours. Wash the decorated areas of the skin can be 4-6 hours without laminating.

To make the image longer pleased you, wipe it daily with vegetable oil, do not attend the sauna and do not try the picture.



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