How to make a tattoo at home

How to make a tattoo at home

The word "tattoo" appeared in Europe in the XVIII century, thanks to the traveler James Cube, a connoisseur of Aboriginal Polynesia, Tahiti and Zealand. Although the drawing applied to the skin was known long before. The tattoo is permanent and cosmetic. If earlier than the knockers identified a person as a member of any group, youth flow or were a way to establish a hierarchy, now they are purely aesthetic character. For beauty you can make a tattoo and at home.

Draw a sketch of the picture you like. To his choice, come together with all seriousness, because the toned tattoo will take it very difficult. Yes, and any image has its own meaning. Want to see any hieroglyphs or symbols on your body? First, you will probably find what they mean. There are dolls that make only people associated with the criminal world (Dome, Ira, Pissney). Think again if you want to perpetuate the name of your loved one. This is not the best idea, because feelings can cool. Try to be calmly and with pleasure to look at your own painting and after 10-20 years.

Prepare a body area for attaching a tattoo. This means that the skin needs to be carefully chopped, trying not to be injured, disinfected and degrease. Only after that draw the contours of the sketch. During the day before the procedure, you can not drink alcohol and other dinner blood preparations, for example, aspirin. From this may suffer a tattoo quality.

At the next stage, perform disinfection of working material and needle boiling, then wipe all alcohol. Be sure to use disposable sterile gloves and high-quality inks. Do not save on coloring substances. Buy a safe mascara of any color that does not interfere with the wound healing, well absorbs and environmentally friendly. They, in particular, are produced in the USA and France "Intenze", "JetFrance", "StarBriteColors". Ink from gel pens, stationery carcasses or a product from Kizzoy boot and urine better do not try, health is more expensive.

The main acting tool is a needle. It can be made from a guitar string or take the usual out of the sewing machine. The first option is preferable, since the diameter of the isge is less, the process is less painful. The needle is tightly tied to a pencil, laying a dense layer of cotton wool. Free should remain only a tip of about 1-2 mm long.

Pour into a small clean capacity a little ink. In pauses, cover the container with a paper towel, so that dust does not get there.

Take the homemade stylus and lower the needle into ink. Pass the epidermis to a depth of 1-3 mm. The skin should be pulled off when pulling the needle. If blood is too much, you need to reduce the power of the pressure. First, walk along the contour, and then plunder everything else. Constantly remove the surplus paint and blood with a wet paper towel.

Final stage - Care for fresh tattoo. Waterfront the body of the body moistened in the antiseptic medium with a napkin, apply healing ointment. After placing an insulating film for 3-4 hours. Wash the chlorhexidine solution twice a day and smear Pantistin. It is impossible to take hot baths, skip the resulting crust and for a long time to be in the sun.

To avoid infection, do not forget to throw out all the disposable means that used in work, it usually concerns the needle. Follow the rules of hygiene.

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