Bodhary mask how to make

Bodhary mask how to make

Bodhary mask is a rather popular facial skin care tool. She pulls the skin, making it younger, and also eliminates a variety of inflammatory processes. Bodhaga can be purchased in each pharmacy, and make a mask from her completely simple, if you follow our recommendations.

The healing properties of Bodhagi

Bodhaga is a freshwater sponge extracted from the water and transformed into drugs. Its composition and effect that it has on the skin:

  • Bodhage consists mainly of silica, at the cellular level that is favorably affecting the skin. Under its influence, the dead epithelium disappears intensively, and viable cells get access to oxygen. It increases about 2 times the production of elastin. Thanks to this mask containing bodiaguards, can reduce the amount of wrinkles and give the skin a healthy and well-kept look.
  • Silica forms a network of needles in the body of sponges that have an irritant effect on the skin. They make more intense blood circulation, stimulating the expansion of blood vessels. Under their effects, the cells are faster regenerated. Due to this, the bodhage allows you to get rid of bruises, pale under its action, and with systematic use - completely disappearing. In addition, this property of Bodharya makes it possible to get rid of freckles, as well as pigment spots.
  • The needles of Bodharya are connected to each other using the natural protein spongugin with painkillers and anti-inflammatory properties.

Bodhary masks recipes

Regular use of Bodharya quickly gives visible results. Note that masks with its composition should not fall on the mucous membrane of the nose, the skin of the lips, as well as the area around the eyes. Consider recipes and methods for the preparation of the most effective flavored masks, in all it is used in the form of powder.

Bodharya and Water Mask

This mask has a beneficial effect on tired skin, providing its energy charge. Its recipe and method of use:

  • Stir the bag in hot water to bodyagi mushy state.
  • Apply this mixture on the skin until it has cooled down
  • Remove after 15 min
  • Apply it should be weekly.

The mask of cosmetic clay and concoctions

This mask a positive effect on the skin, eliminating dark spots. Her recipe and method of use:

  • Connect teaspoon concoctions with a teaspoon of black or white clay.
  • Apply the mask for 20 minutes.
  • Use it twice a week.

The mask of bodyagi and hydrogen peroxide

It can be used for peeling skin. Her recipe and method of use:

  • Pre-wash and dry the skin.
  • Dissolve 3% hydrogen peroxide bodyagi sachet.
  • Apply the mask on the face with a thin layer of 5 minutes.
  • The maximum effect is achieved after 10 treatments.

The mask of bodyagi and boric acid

This mask allows you to get rid of even the running of acne. Her recipe and method of use:

  • Dissolve in a glass of water on a teaspoon of 5% boric acid and 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Add a bag of fresh-water sponge, mix in a liquid.
  • Apply the mask on for 10 minutes.
  • Use it up to two times a week course consisting of 8 sessions.

The mask of sour milk concoctions and

This mask has a rejuvenating properties. Her recipe and method of use:

  • Connect teaspoon concoctions with 2 teaspoons of sour milk.
  • Apply the mask for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with it and moisturize the skin cream.

Bodyaga thanks to its unique composition, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and cleansing effect on the skin. Try to do any of these masks and make sure its medicinal properties.

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