Mud mask how to make

Mud mask how to make

Therapeutic dirt from salted lakes and sea bays have long been used in cosmetology and have an exceptional impact on the skin, extend vessels, activate metabolic processes in cells, contribute to the smoothing of wrinkles, and also make the skin of silky and elastic.

How to make a mask of dirt

Therapeutic dirt is sold in a dry or liquid form. Dry diluted with boiled water in the ratio, which is indicated on the package, or "on the eye" to the consistency of the liquid sour cream. Carefully knead, removing all lumps. Wet mud can also add some water to be more convenient to apply it to the skin. Any mud mask should have a thermophope, before applying it is heated in a water bath to a comfortable temperature and apply warm on the skin.

Applying mud mask on face

Before making a mask, the skin is recommended to unpack. Dirt is applied with a thin layer and evenly distribute all over the face using a spatula, a brush or just fingertips. Areas around the eyes and above the upper lip leave open. For a better effect, the apparatus with cut-off holes for the eyes, nose and mouth is superimposed on top and cover with a warm towel. The mask is left for 15-30 minutes. The duration of the procedure depends on the speed of drying the dirt and its own sensations. Heat and small stiffness are the norm. Wash off therapeutic dirt with warm water without detergent or cosmetic cleansing agents.

The effectiveness of mud masks

Under the action of heat from dirt into the skin, active ingredients are moving. They have a beneficial effect on the state of the skin, accelerate metabolic processes, thereby slowing the aging process, make the skin more elastic, soft and less susceptible to inflammation. Mud masks can be made 1-3 times a week.

What kind of dirt choose

Medicinal dirt is worth buying only in pharmacies or specialized stores, focusing on their deposit. The most valuable are Anapa (Ilvoy Sulfide), from Lake Saki, dirt from the Tambukan lake and the Dead Sea.

Individual tolerability

Before applying a mud mask on the face, you need to test it on a plot with delicate skin. This may be the place of bending an elbow. Dirt is applied to your hand and wait at least half an hour. If during this time there are no side effects, the dirt can be applied to the skin of the face.


So that the use of therapeutic dirt has not been disappointing, you need to get acquainted with the contraindications:

  • Acute inflammatory skin processes;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Open wounds;
  • Weeping eczema;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Diseases of the circulatory system;
  • Lupus.

Mask Recipes based on Medical Mud

A classic mud mask without additional components is suitable for any skin type. But if it is required to strengthen its effect or make an action more directed, you can use proven recipes:

  • In the fight against acne will help mask with sea buckthorn oil. Mix the teaspoon of dry dirt with sea buckthorn oil and dilute the decoction of chamomile, calendula or a beast to the desired consistency. In liquid dirt add a teaspoon of dry grass.
  • Dry dirt diluted with milk or serum (fitting to 40 ° C) will help to soften the skin.
  • For oily skin, the mud bold chamomile decoction to the required consistency.
  • For dry skin, add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil (olive, peach, coconut).

Simple and affordable, but from this no less effective mask of therapeutic mud will make the skin of the face more well-groomed, elastic and for a long time will retain its youth.

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