Rejuvenating masks after 40 years

Rejuvenating masks after 40 years

With age, the skin begins to lose its former elasticity. Such changes are especially noticeable on the skin of the face. Masks made of natural components will slow down the natural and irreversible process of skin aging. Thanks to masks, the skin will receive comprehensive care and protection.

Skin preparation

Application mask on the skin requires some preparation. Before starting the procedure, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • Space the skin. One of the best funds for the disclosure of pores are herbal decoctions. Preparing a decoction of 100 g of any grass and liter of water. Insist for 15 minutes. Fill in the decoction 500 ml of boiling water. Cover your head with a towel and hold the face over the ferry for about 5 minutes.
  • Cleaning the skin. Plated skin is well cleaned with natural scrubics. Especially effective is a scrub of oatmeal. Grind oatmeal and pour milk. Apply your fingers a creamy mixture on the skin. Slightly massage the face. We leave the scrub for 5 minutes. We wash off.

Basic rules for using masks

Natural cosmetics make tremendous use of our skin. But their improper use can harm thin skin. Following the advice on the use of masks, you will be sure that your skin is not threatened:

  • Use masks no more than 2 times a week. After 2 months of use, make a break in half a year. After long-term use, the skin is abused with useful components. This will disappear the healing effect of masks.
  • Apply a room temperature mask. In no case do not apply hot mixtures.
  • Hold the cosmetic tool no more than 15-20 minutes. We wash off the masks moistened in the brave of herbs or water with a cotton disk.
  • Do not put these masks to women under 40 years old. Components included in the masks are aimed at deep care of fading skin with wrinkles.
  • Masks are contraindicated with skin dermatitis and any inflammation on the skin.
  • Before applying, make sure that you have no allergies on the components of the masks. Apply the mixture first to a small skin section for a few minutes.

Recipes masks

After 40 years, the skin requires regular care. Natural remedies have a beneficial effect on the skin and smoothed wrinkles:

  1. Gelatin mask. Fill 15 g of gelatin 120 g of water. We leave the gelatin for 40 minutes to swell. Heat gelatin slightly and add 15 g of flour to it. We stir up to a creamy state. We are applied by a gelatin for 15 minutes.
  2. Mask with starch. We divor into 60 g starch with water to the condition of the cream. We add to the mixture of protein and 10 g of lemon juice. We mix the mask and apply to the skin for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Mask with brandy. We mix yolk, 10 g of honey, 30 g kefir and 15 g cognac. We apply on the face mask and keep up to 30 minutes.
  4. Apple mask. We rub one apple. Add 15 g of vegetable oil and protein. We mix the ingredients. I lubricate the skin with a mask. Keep at least 15 minutes.
  5. Summer mask with fruits and berries. Finely cut a slice of watermelon and pour pieces into a blender. We add a handful of any berries and grind in a puree. The nutritional mask is kept for 15 minutes.
  6. Grape mask. We smear a fork of 100 g grapes. Fix the juice through the gauze. Welcome wipes with grape juice. We put them on your face for 10 minutes. Remove the napkins with juice again and keep another 5-10 minutes.

Do not forget to take care of your skin so that it remains beautiful and touched. Masks will help you not only look younger, but also to feel full strength and energy.

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Lorik26. 10/18/2018 at 14:35

I have the most important assistants-Laura-serum to combat small wrinkles and gymnastics, in order to oval faces was more touched. You know, it really works ... look like something and younger, which can not but rejoice))


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