Wrinkle masks for dry skin

Wrinkle masks for dry skin

Dry leather first among others view oV maybe to upset my hostess appearance wrinkles. Her often not grabs moisturizing, cutaneous fat produced v insufficient quantities, and leather remains practically without protection from impact negative factors surrounding environments. Per check of this occurs a loss elasticity and elasticity, leather stretching, sore and appear first wrinkles. To avoid of this help homework masks from wrinkles for dry skin, home task whichincrease developing collagen and moisturize skin.

1) Rules applications masks from wrinkles

W. masks from wrinkles there is their peculiarities application:

  • Not keep mask. from wrinkles on the lying more 20 minutes.
  • Apply lungs patting on massage lines on the clean skin not too much pressing.
  • Do such masks day, when leather located v good tone.
  • Try at application maximum relax muscles persons.
  • After togo how snow mask. cold water, although would 2 hours not apply on the skin pooh and blush.
  • Desirable apply your usual moisturizing or nutritious cream.
  • For receipt result apply masks systematic 2 times v week.

2) Potato mask from wrinkles

Good nuts skin, moisturizes her and does soft already after first applications potato mask. High content vitamin A WITH, potassium and gland gives stunning the effect botox..

US need:

  • 1 potato;
  • 1 art. a spoon milk;
  • 1 yolk.


  1. Swarite potatoes v mundire, clean and remember fork v puree..
  2. Add fresh milk and yolk.
  3. Heat mask. and on the 20 minutes apply mask. on the skin persons and neck, cover handkerchief.
  4. Smash first warm, a then cool water.

3) Bananova mask from wrinkles

Banana contains a bunch of such necessary dry skin vitamins and minerals. Such mask noticeable improves color persons and wonderful smells.

US need:

  • 1/2 ripe banana;
  • 2 art. spoon fatty cream(it is better homemade);
  • 1 art. a spoon hammer oatmeal flakes.


  1. Remember banana.
  2. Add cream and flakes, thoroughly stir. Mixture whenever enough thick
  3. Apply mask. on the clean skin and leave on the 20 minutes.
  4. Smash water comfortable temperature and wheel skin tonic.

4) Cuccessual mask from wrinkles

Cucumber known all n. unique property smooth and moisturize skin. The main thing, take for masks young home cucumber without large seeds.

US need:

  • 1 average cucumber;
  • 2 art. spoon fatty sour cream.


  1. Satriate cucumber on the shallow terek. together with kinder.
  2. Add sour cream, stir. Give little stand v refrigerator
  3. Apply cool mask. on the 20 minutes.

5) Gelatinic mask from wrinkles

Most valuable component gelatinova maskscollagen. Exactly he replies per elasticity skin and not gives appear moracham. Many expensive cream contain collagen, but why overpay, if can samim cook mask. from ordinary gelatin.

US need:

  • 1 c.. a spoon gelatin;
  • 1 art. a spoon fatty kefira;
  • 23 drops oil solo vitamins A and E..


  1. Fill gelatin 5 c.. spoents, let. mixes skuff and heat on the water ban.
  2. Let. mask. coolet and add kefir and vitamins, stirring.
  3. Nan mask. vATUM disk, hold 20 misk and wash away warm water.

From age amendments skin nowhere not denies, but even dry can be helped. WITH age for beauty skin becomes not enough one right care, on the armament it's time take various nourishing masks from natural components and use their on the permanent based. This will allow stay skin young longer, a to you continue feel myself beautiful and well maintained woman.

Comments leave a comment
Nina 06/10/2019 at 18:09

I usually make a mask with honey and a great thing. But it is still very important to moisturize the skin from the inside-therefore, the courses of the Hyaluronic acid Evalarovskaya. It is all together and helps the skin smooth and smooth to maintain no dryness, no wrinkles, respectively. Much younger than his years I look that I can not but rejoice)


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