Wrinkle masks after 30 years

Wrinkle masks after 30 years

After 30 years in the female body, certain age changes are beginning to occur - the metabolism slows down, collagen and elastin decreases, the tone of the facial muscles is reduced. These processes lead to the appearance of the first wrinkles, noticeable allocation of nasolabial folds, sagging. And as a result - the face loses the former freshness and youth. To return the skin youth and radiance, systematic care is needed.

How to care for the skin after 30 years

Caring for the skin is not only the application of rejuvenating masks a couple of times a week. Care is a set of rules and manipulations that need to be performed to achieve the best result:

  1. Daily clean the skin in the morning and in the evening with special means designed to combat first wrinkles. Pick the product that suits your skin type.
  2. Review your diet in favor of useful and healthy food.
  3. Use protective creams when exiting the street: Sunscreen - in summer, from wind and frost - in winter.
  4. Try to secure a full-fledged sleep - at least 8 hours.
  5. Do not drink a lot of fluid overnight.
  6. Limit the consumption of tobacco and alcohol.

How to use a rejuvenating mask

If earlier you have never enjoyed natural masks prepared at home, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with some rules by applying them:

  • Before applying the mask, clean the skin of the face - remove the makeup, the remains of the cream, the products of the skin.
  • For the penetration of the beneficial substances in the deep layers of the dermis, it is recommended to slightly displeate the face before the procedure. To do this, boil the bowl with water, throw fragrant herbs in it (chamomile, lime, rose or lavender) and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Then tilt the face over the bowl, cover your head with a large terry towel and hold 10 minutes.

  • Wash your hands before applying the composition on the skin.
  • Avoid getting funds to the skin around the eyes, as the face masks are not intended for this sensitive area. These areas are better lubricated with a nutrient cream.
  • Try to relax after the mask overlay - conveniently arrange on the sofa, find the light, turn on pleasant music. Try not to talk if there is a makeup on your face, the muscles should not strain.
  • Wash out the mass of warm water.
  • Do not rub your face with a towel after the mask is removed. Carefully laughing excess moisture with a napkin.
  • Conduct the procedure with courses, 2 times a week for 3 months. Keep a mask on the face of 15-20 minutes.

Recipe for rejuvenating masks after 30 years

Cooking masks at home usually does not require additional costs. Their composition includes products that, as a rule, are at hand:

  • Egg with milk and honey: egg yolk whipped with a fork, add a teaspoon of milk and liquid honey.
  • Universal with yolk and olive oil: whipped yolk connect with a tablespoon of olive oil, squeeze the juice from the halves of lemon.
  • Curd with cream: a tablespoon of low-fat curds to be confused with a teaspoon of cream to dissolve lumps.

  • Potato with parsley: boil the glass of water, put in it a bundle of fresh parsley and give it yourself to cool; Potato grate on the grater, mix with a teaspoon of olive oil and infusion of parsley. So that the potatoes hold better, lay out the composition on the gauze napkin and spread on the face.
  • Banana with butter: Banana Clean from the peel and smash to get a tablespoon of meakty; Add a teaspoon of melted butter.
  • Cucumber with almond oil: grated cucumber on a grater and mix with a tablespoon of oil, you can add a whipped egg yolk.

Data masks can be used not only for a person, if desired, you can apply them on the neck and zone. Do not be discouraged when the first wrinkles appear on the face, you can extend the youth of the skin very long. Follow the scope of skin care rules given in the article, use the mackerel recipes, and your face will gain shine and beauty.

Comments leave a comment
Dina 06/10/2019 at 18:07

Masks are great ... But, I am also trying to keep track of the moisture of the skin too much. To do this, I take a hyaluronic acid Evalarovskaya (her dosage is good), well, and behind the drinking regime. Thanks to all this, there are no wrinkles, and dryness also does not overcome))


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