How to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead

How to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead

Wrinkles on the forehead can have many causal factors - and anatomical features, and heredity, and unconscious habit of frowning, and active facial expressions. However, whatever the cause of such strips - they are by no means decorate the female face. Modern cosmetology offers rapid methods to make their forehead smooth, for example, with Botox, but they give a temporary result and not available to everyone. We offer time proven and absolutely available ways to deal with wrinkles on the forehead - gymnastics and masks.

Wrinkle masks on his forehead with lemon

Smoothing masks, which include lemon, work perfectly as an express agent when the result is needed "right now." The simplest recipe of such a mask includes 1 protein and 2 tbsp. l. Lemon juice. Apply this mixture to the forehead area and keep it until the feeling of tightness appears. The same effect will turn out if adding 1 h to this composition. Salt. It copes well with the wrinkles of the wrinkle of the mask of 1 yolk and lemon juice with honey, taken at 1 h. The time of exposure to such a mask is 10 minutes. All listed formulations wash off warm water.

Vegetable masks from wrinkles on the forehead

Excellent smoothed wrinkles on the forehead and masks of such natural products like vegetables. For example, a cucumber-potato mask is considered very effective: Mix the flesh of both vegetables taken in one thing in the raw form, and hold this mixture on the forehead 15 minutes. Potatoes can be used in another composition, in combination with olive oil, milk, glycerol and sour cream. It also takes 1 potatoofelin, welded in "Mundire" and sulfur, and 1 t. L. All other ingredients. This mask must be left on the skin for 20 minutes. Effective in terms of wrinkles and tomato - apply mashed potatoes on your "strips" of fresh tomato (without seeds) also for 20 minutes.

Masks from wrinkles on the forehead with fermented milk products

Actively involved in the fight against skin leveling and mask using sour cream, cream. One of the most effective masks with sour cream has the following composition: sour cream - 50 ml, dried yeast - 1 tbsp. l. These components need to be mixed with each other and a small amount to cover the forehead section to dry. After that, you can put on the skin the remaining mixture by a quarter of an hour. The result fasten the fatty cream. The rejuvenating-cleansing effect also has a lotion consisting of 100 ml of cream, 1 tsp. liquid honey and chicken yolk, with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. Vodka and lemon juice. It is recommended to apply daily when conducting evening cosmetic procedures.

Masks from wrinkles on the forehead with flour

It turns out that in the fight against wrinkles on the forehead can not be used not only vegetables or dairy products, but also flour. Especially "different" by the action of corn flour. So, if you mix 1 tbsp. l. This flour with 30 ml of liquid honey, apply a mixture on the skin of the forehead before drying, and after washed with water - the result of its efficiency will be, as they say, on the face. For these purposes, you can also apply a mask based on rice flour, which can be prepared independently, for example, grinding rice in a coffee grinder. The recipe for the mask with rice flour includes flour itself (1st art. L.), Grapefruit juice (2 art. L.) And Prostokvash (1 Art.).

Masks from wrinkles on the forehead with paraffin and olive oil

Paraffin mask is another way to quickly align the skin of the forehead before any important event. To prepare it, melt the cosmetic wax, plunge the fabric strip in it and lay it on the forehead, pre-lubricated with olive oil. When the tissue hardens, carefully remove it from the skin. Very well smoothes the skin and use of pure olive oil: warm it up to 36-37 degrees, lubricate your forehead, cover the lubricated area with a paper napkin on top, then the edible film and on top all cover with a towel. Give the oil to "work" 15 minutes and smash.

Very effective in the fight against grooves on the forehead not only masks, but also special exercises (looking for the video for the forehead). If you use everything in the complex and regularly, traces of "frosting" quickly and will leave your forehead for a long time.

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Galya 06/10/2019 at 17:51

I even came across in my youth with such a problem because the skin was too dry. From the same time he took a lesson that there is nothing more important to moisture. Therefore, we regularly carry a hyaluronic acid Evalarovskaya (she has a dosage and quality right what is needed), well, and moisturizing masks, too, of course, do. By the way, now I look much better than before)

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Yuliya 22/02/2021 at 11:49.

Without injections, I still wake up, like a very cream 3D Haluron Filler in LibrDerm, straight fills wrinkles, lines the skin.

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