Masks from wrinkles from cucumber

Masks from wrinkles from cucumber

Wrinkles on the face is the most sad event that happens in the life of any person with age. Each each is manifested in different ways. Often you can notice a thirty-year-old girl with deep wrinkles on the face. Conversely, there are a lot of women after forty years having amazingly smooth and young skin. It happens because each of us uses its beauty recipes. The most efficient assistant in the preservation of youth is cucumber. The properties of this vegetable are endless. Cucumber juice refreshes, tones, strengthens, gives elasticity and elasticity of our skin. Masks from cucumber have a whole range of action against wrinkles. Consider more detailed all the possibilities.

Cucumber mask with blue clay

The combination of cucumber and blue clay is an excellent means of preserving youth. It is necessary to grind on a grater or in a blender one cucumber with the skin. Add a small amount of blue clay to it and stir the resulting mixture. We apply it to face and wait when the mask will freeze. After the frozen, they immediately wash off warm water. It is not worth disturbing, because the clay perfectly sticks to the skin. The second method of its application is still possible. Initially, we make a clay mask, and at the end we cover the face with pieces of cucumber. This mask will not only strengthen the structure of the skin and avoid wrinkles, but also cope with all polluted pores.

Aspirin on Podkoga

An ordinary pharmacy aspirin can be useful when preparing a face mask. The pushing aspirin, mix with a squeezed cucumber and add a spoonful of the beam chamomile. The resulting cream should not be applied as a mask, it must be launched into the skin and leave for ten minutes after rubbing. All that was not absorbed, we remove with the help of a sponge with water. Aspirin with chamomile perfectly eliminates any inflammatory processes on the face, and also pulls it up, betraying the right form.

Cucumber-yoghurt mask

In order to get a very gentle face with elastic skin, we use a combination of cucumber cashem and yogurt. One cucumber is carrying and poured with two tablespoons of drinking yogurt. We apply on the face and wait for 15 minutes, then wash. The skin becomes tender, elastic and sufficiently moistened. This mask is especially useful for dry skin holders.

Cut on the skin health

The intake mask from cucumber and wheat has a beneficial effect on the absence of wrinkles. Again, three our cucumber on the grater and add a couple of wheat flour spoons. An excellent scrub comes out, which will prolong the skin youth and improves the face, exfoliating all unnecessary and dilapidated education. The mixture on the skin should not be, like any scrub, should be removed immediately after applying.

Olive healing

Mixing cucumber with olive oil, we get not only an excellent mixture of wrinkles, but also a wonderful healing. Keep it you need at least twenty minutes. After washed off at first warm, and then with cold water. Absolutely all the wrecks that are on the skin will be linked. For the necessary effect, a mask must be applied every other day.

Milk mask

Wrinkles appear primarily on the draxing skin. In order to refresh it and give a tone, make a dairy mask with cucumber. We need about four tablespoons of cucumber juice. Further make a cocktail with the addition of an incomplete glass of milk. It is absolutely not worth drinking this liquid, but the face is very useful together with her. We repeat the procedure in the morning and before bedtime. After that, the skin will become very tender and healthy.

Cool-carrot mask

We are preparing a paste from cucumber and carrots, I am overshadowing with a blender. The resulting mass is poured with a small amount of kefir and add a pinch of ground oatmeal. We apply on face and wash after half hour keeping. This mask smoothes the skin well, gives the necessary meals and perfectly moisturizes. Carrots perfectly complements the main properties of cucumber, and comes out a double result.

In order to have smooth skin without wrinkles, it is not necessary to buy expensive cosmetic masks and creams. It is worth only to understand that cucumber juice is able to give our skin much more vitamins, health and beauty. Knowing this, it is enough to use it in various masks for the skin, and then the problem with wrinkles will not disturb you for many years.

Comments leave a comment
Tamara 07/10/2019 at 11:30

I'm just for the cabin care ... these are all the homemade masks on cucumbers, eggs and still beyond the sense of little. But after the cosmetologist really notice. From home care I use only serum rejuvenating (Laura Edelweiss, I order a shop. Evallar, so more convenient and cheaper). Although you can support youth)) There are almost no wrinkles, and this is the most important thing)


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