Cucumber face mask

Cucumber face mask

The vulnerability of the skin under the influence of sun rays is due to the abundance of ultraviolet and heat. In the summer, it is necessary to pay enough attention to the power and moisturizing cells. The best component of healthy nutrition and natural skin care is cucumber. Nature enriched this vegetable with an incredible amount of vitamins, micro and macroelements. Cook the cucumber face masks with the addition of natural products, and let your skin shines health.

Dry type skin

If you feel discomfort on the skin of the face after washing with cosmetic compositions, notice the peeling in the forehead and brine, on the cheekbones, then choose several subscription recipes for regular home care:

  1. Fresh major cucumber and 2 tbsp. l. Cream in the blender. You can also cucumber cucumber on terek.. Apply the resulting cleaner on the skin cleaned skin, hold out 30 minutes and wash the water. Use such a mask 2 times a week.
  2. Small cucumber, spend on fine-grained terk., Add 1 tsp. Fresh lemon juice and mix. Apply the composition on the problem areas of the person, accept the horizontal position (the mask is liquid, and the vertical position will be stroke). After 20 minutes, remove the remnants with a cotton disk or gauze gasket, without flushing with water.
  3. Incredible nutritious effect will have a cucumber, greenery and dairy products mask. Take on the tablespoon of milk and cottage cheese, add crushed on terek. Cucumber and chopped greens, then 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Mix the components in a blender or mixer to a homogeneous consistency. Verify the mask on the face on 20 minutes, then breathe first warmand then cool water. Do not wipe your face with a towel - let it dry and absorb water naturally.
  4. For moisturizing and long-term meal, prepare a mask with a basil, chamomile and mint. To do this, grind the cucumber to the state of Cashitz in any convenient way, add chopped greens of mint and basil, mix thoroughly. Brew chamomile in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l. Dry flowers on ½ tbsp. water. Strain and add 2 tbsp. l. To cucumber mask. Use such a mask 3-4 times a week. After use you can wash the remaining chamomile decoction.

Fat type skin

For oily leather there are several effective recipes:

  1. Watch the cucumber on fine terk., add a tablespoon of oatmeal x.lopes or flour. The consistency of the mask must be close to thick sour cream. Apply a mask for 20 minutes 4-5 times a week. After 2 months of regular care, you can forever spread with oily skin.
  2. Remove the skin with cucumber, cut into thin rings. Pre-clean the face scrub. Take a horizontal position, spread the rings evenly along the face and take a break for 30 minutes. Such a method can be cleaned and nourished the skin daily for 3-4 weeks.

If you are struggling with oily skin, do not forget to keep track of meals.

Fight S. wrinkles

Over the years, the skin agrees and fades, and the only way to slow down the process is to follow the rules of healthy nutrition, to play sports and take care of the body daily. Natural gifts are capable of maintaining and restore cells. We offer 2 recovery masks to choose from:

  1. Grind 2 cucumbers in a blender or spend on fine terk.. Add to cucumber 4 st. l. Flower honey, mix thoroughly. Apply a mask for 15 minutes, and after washing the infusion of chamomile or mint.
  2. In equal proportions, mix cucumber and raw potatoes. Apply a mask for 20 minutes every night for 3 months. When the result follows, the number of procedures can be reduced to 3 p. in Week.

For whitening the skin and get rid of acne, use fresh grated cucumber. On average mask need to withstand from 15 minutes, then wash cool water or chilled decoction of therapeutic herbs. It is recommended to always prepare a fresh mixture. The effectiveness of the application depends on the naturalness of the main product. If you use a winter vegetable oversaturated with nitrates, then the benefit from such a mask will not be.

Comments leave a comment
Zlata 24/04/2021 at 8:26

From all masks, which tried, this best, in my opinion. Because it helps to refresh and moisturize the skin. And for meals there is nothing more important than collagen ... But I accept it inside, it will be more correct. Thousands of Evalarovsky in the form of marmalade loyal. To taste and the smell resembles Ducess, so you never forget about such a reception. Everything together helps the skin stay tumaled.

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