Mask of potatoes how to use

Mask of potatoes how to use

Potatoes - a very popular vegetable that is widely used in cooking, medicine and cosmetics. It contains many medicinal components. presence of potassium in the vegetable helps to improve metabolism and cleanse the body of saturation with salt and other harmful substances. Also this product does not become superfluous in cosmetic procedures, because it effectively behaves as a main ingredient of various natural Muskoka. Consider how to use it properly.

For oily and porous skin

To make the healthy and orderly kind of too greasy type of person will spend a good cleaning with the following potato masks.

starch Mask

To prepare means take half a cup of milk, a spoonful of honey, the same amount of potato starch and a little salt. If there is sea salt, then first of all we use it.


  1. The milk is heated to a warm temperature.
  2. Mix all ingredients in the same proportions. A single tablespoon for each product.
  3. The finished mixture is applied to the face in a few layers.
  4. Keep the mask for half an hour.
  5. Washed down with the face with warm water.
  6. In a glass of water at room temperature, squeeze a quarter of lemon and thoroughly wash all the places on the face.

This mask will cleanse the skin from excess fat and significantly narrows the pores. Lemon juice will cause further burning of inflamed formations on the skin. In addition, this composition lighten the skin and give it a haze.

Egg-potato mask

For protein mask will approach half potatoes, one egg and a little oatmeal. Oatmeal perfectly absorbs all the excess fat, but it does not dry it.


  1. Shred the potatoes in raw form on the finest grater.
  2. Separate the egg whites from the yolks.
  3. Mix these two products, add oatmeal.
  4. Draw weight fatty skin on the place and hold about 20 minutes.
  5. Wash off with warm water and allowed to cool cold.

Additionally, it is allowed to add a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide to the mixture to purify the face from an atypical shine and black dots.

For dry skin

Dry skin requires no less care, since irregular moisturizing can lead to peeling. And so that this does not happen, connect the potato mashed potatoes with milk, solution containing boric acid, and any face creaming.


  1. Cook the potatoes and tolch to the consistency of mashed potatoes.
  2. Add a pair of tablespoons of milk, a teaspoon of boric acid and a little cream, relieving irritation.
  3. We apply a mixture on your face and neck, massaging 2 minutes, rubbing this composition.
  4. Wash off cold water.

After the procedure, the skin will necessarily become smooth, fresh and moderately moistened.

Deep-cleansing masks

For tired skin

The tired skin is susceptible to the early appearance of wrinkles, so it is necessary to carry out rejuvenating manipulations for it, adding the content of potato mask with fermented with milk products and oils.


  1. Cook potato mashed potatoes.
  2. Add a teaspoon sour cream and cream, mix ingredients.
  3. Take a few drops of olive oil.
  4. Tight layers put on the face, on top at will cover thin gauze.
  5. We expect half an hour and wash off.

After the procedure, all wrinkles will disappear, and the skin will gain the desired tone and former freshness.

Mask for the eyelids

The skin in the eye area is the most tender and capricious. It needs specific care. It is very important that the mask is applied to the eyelid, no cause damage to the eyeball. Therefore, you prepare the most harmless content of milk, potatoes and wheat flour.


  1. Make a crawling potatoes from raw potatoes.
  2. We add wheat flour and milk.
  3. We mix the components and lay the mixture on round cotton swab.
  4. We lean to the eyes and keep 15 minutes.
  5. Wash your face with warm water.

In addition to the use of this mask, the tone of the age is normalized, and they will visually catch up. Eyes will seem brighter and expressive. And this will noticeably simplify the process of making makeup.

Tomato Mask with Tomato

Mask for hand

Hands are the most active part of the body. They are most tired and exposed to negative natural factors. Soothe the skin of the hands is possible using the following potato mask with milk and cucumber juice.


  1. I boil the potatoes and until it cooled, grind it.
  2. From cucumber squeeze juice.
  3. We connect the cucumber juice and potato mashed potatoes.
  4. Add a little milk in puree.
  5. We lower your hands into the liquid for 15-20 minutes, you can keep up to a complete cooling.
  6. Wash your hands with cool water and apply nutrient cream.

This method is particularly helped when coarse skin appears on the hands, which appeared after exposure to the sharp temperature drop.

Now we have studied all the secret properties of potatoes. And only it remains not to forget about maintaining your own beauty, based on the prescriptions described above.

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