Avocado is an exotic fruit, which has not had so long ago on the shelves of domestic shops. Despite the youth of a tropical fruit, he fell in love with many thanks to an unusual taste. It is used to prepare salads and snacks, but also avocado can be safely added to the composition of masks. In this article we will tell about the use of avocado for the skin.
Cooking a mask based on fresh fruit
To do this, you need to remove the skin from the fetus and remove the bone. Using the plug, grind avocado in Cashitz. You can grate the fruit on the grater, but the ripe fruit is very soft and perfectly warm up for a fork. Apply Cashitz on cleaned skin and wait 15 minutes. Due to the high content of vitamins A and E, avocado contributes to the production of elastin and collagen, which is necessary for fading skin.
Since the fetus contains a lot of fats, it is not in its pure form to apply to the combined or prone to acne. Fruit should be used in combination with lemon juice or other components.
Avocado mask for oily skin
Take the fourth part of the fetus and scroll into porridge. Add an egg white and a tablespoon of lemon juice to the mass. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and use the brush to enter the face. Keep the mask of 10-15 minutes. Rock up the composition is needed slightly warm water. Complete the washing of the cool decoction of calendula colors. Such a means perfectly cleans and struggles with inflammation.
Mask with avocado and mayonnaise for combined skin
To prepare the mask you will need a tablespoon of the pulp of tropical fruit. Distribute the pulp in the puree and add 1 chicken egg. Pour a teaspoon of liquid honey and mayonnaise. You will have a liquid mass in which you need to pour a spoonful of flour. As a result, you must get liquid dough as on pancakes. Apply this mixture on your face and wait 20 minutes. The tool perfectly cleanses the pores and removes black dots.
Avocado mask for fading skin
This tool must be used after 40 years. Mask perfectly smoothes small wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones. Mix the flesh of one fruit with a teaspoon of dry yeast. In the resulting Cashitz, pour 20 ml of olive oil. Leave a viscous mass for 10 minutes. This is necessary to activate yeast. With the help of a tassel or a cotton disk evenly distribute the mixture on the face and leave for 20-30 minutes. Remove cool water.
Avocado tool for aging leather
Mix the flesh of the fruit with one egg and a spoonful of honey. Stir the composition and pour into it a teaspoon of soda. After that, pour the kefir spoon and a couple of drops of orange oil. Pour the mixture into a glass ass and put the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, apply the mixture on your face and neck. Keep the composition of 15 minutes.
Hurry on a date or for a holiday? Then you need a means that instantly refreshes the skin. To do this, soda on the grater of avocado and add a spoonful of lemon juice to Cashitz. With a sharp knife, grind mint leaves. You need a tablespoon of plant raw materials. Add mint to the mass and apply on the face. The result is instantaneous.
In addition to fresh fruit, you can use avocado oil. It perfectly smoothes small wrinkles and saturates dry skin of moisture.
I can say for sure that due to the helpful fats avocado will more correctly eat, and not use in the form of masks, creams, and so on. The same with collagen. Many outside it is used, and it is useful to take inside. For example, Evalarovsky with a dosage of 6000 mg and vitamin C. Uses well and at a price more profitable analogues. Thanks to this I look, by the way, excellent for my years))