Avocado mask: preparation and use

Avocado mask: preparation and use

Avocado appeared on the ours market relatively recently, but managed conquer popularity among gurmanov and cosmetologists. Thanks to his own healing properties it entered in list 10 most useful products.


Modern research showed, what avocado possesses huge quantity minerals and vitamins, necessary human to the body:

  • availability such minerals, how magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, stabilizes arterial pressure and cleanses blood;
  • complex vitamins BUT, IN 2, AT 3, AT 6, FROM, D., E, F, To, R, Pr provides necessary need organism;
  • thanks to vitamin E, named vitamin beauty, avocado is good antioxidant;
  • presence vitamin A BUT and zinc promotes cure acne rash;
  • in avocado located huge amount easily assimilated fat, which near 30%, a also Omega3.

from avocado for sear and sensitive skin

AT cosmetic goals avocado protrudes in quality basic ingredient for masks faces. At this used only pulp ripe fruits. Her grind in blender and hold 1520 minutes.


  1. Beautiful soothing remedy will become combination avocado with potato mashed potatoes. Proportion1:1, mixes with 1 h.l. olive oils and 1/2 art.l. sour cream.
  2. Good moisturizes avocado with banana or melon. For this they mix on 1 art. spoon with 1 yellow and 1 h. spoon honey. Obtained mixture apply on the face thick layer.


Fat leather

Ideal remedy for drying fat skin will become mixture from 1 art. l. avocado, 1 squirrel and 1 h. l. lemon juice. Get rid from fat shine will help mask from 1 art. l. avocado and 2 art. spoons kefir. Similar mask will give matte tone skin and bleach her.


Combined leather

Mix 1 egg, 1 art. spoon pulp fetus and 1 art. spoon flour. Then you need to news 1 h. spoon honey and 1 h. spoon mayonnaise. Such compound is good cleansing remedy.


Mature leather

When preparing a mask, follow the instructions:

  1. First you should knead 1/2 fetus avocado and add 1 h. spoon olive oils and so many the same dry yeast. Mix and leave obtained mixture on the 510 minutes.
  2. Restores and improves color faces mixture from grated avocado and carrots. D. both egg, 3 art. tablespoons honey and floor glasses sour cream.
  3. For smoothing tired skin apply compound from 1 avocado, two eggs, three art. spoons honey. Here the same added 2 art. tablespoons kefir, 2 h. tablespoons soda, a also 2 drops orange oils. Received mixture it is placed in glass dishes and store in cold place. Apply in chilled condition.

Avocado -eared

For all types skin

Give freshness and shining view face will help mask from 1 art. tablespoons pulp fetus and 45 drops lemon juice with adding several leaves mint. FROM the goal nutrition skin it will handle greatmask from half avocado and 1 tablespoons soft cottage cheese. Add a little honey and on desire 12 drops lemon juice. Mask apply on the face and neck.

Avocadodl all

At peeling skin

For deliverse from peeling beautiful will become choice masks from half avocado and 1 tea tablespoons anyone oils. Such mask apply on the face and after 20 minutes rinse warm water. Then apply fatty cream.


Cleaning scrub

AT quality daily scrub can use mixture coffee gushsch and avocado - 2 art. tablespoons and 1 h. tablespoons respectively. Add a little olive oils and clean face in flow 5 minutes.


Despite on the then, what avocado wide used how in cosmetology, so and dietetics, should remember, what any mask individual for everyone. And at choice her necessary take account of reactions your own organism and skin.

Comments leave a comment
Eve 06/22/2022 at 20:30

Too expensive mask comes out. In general, I very often heard the opinion of cosmetologists that they say avocado are as often as possible ... precisely because these are useful fats. Outwardly, it makes no sense to use it. And by the way, they also say to take the Evalarovsky zinc + vitamin C in hissing tablets. This can be done in general with a daily anti -Eagine for yourself.


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