Green clay mask

Green clay mask

A lot of useful and therapeutic products gives us land. One of these is a green clay. A huge amount of vitamins and useful minerals, which is contained in clay, people from ancient years are used to treat various ailments. We will tell you how to solve the existing skin problems with this product and prevent their occurrence.

Useful properties of green clay

Rich on the content of iron and silver, the clay took an important place in the treatment of various diseases, including skin. Applying clay, you can avoid multiple problems associated with incorrect metabolism that are reflected in the skin condition. Eliminating dryness and removal of skin irritation, as well as eliminating increased fatty, deep nutrition and cell regeneration are an important component in the use of green clay.

Poznyakov than useful clay in cosmetology

Machinery cooking

The mask should be prepared in ceramic or glassware. Taking the required amount of clay, you need to dilute with water, stir the wooden spoon and leave for half an hour, the weight should be good. Before use, it is necessary to heat up to 37-38 degrees in a water bath.


For normal skin:

  • In the ceramic container, pumped 3 tablespoons of clay, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and shape 3 tablespoons of water.
  • Stir the mass to a homogeneous consistency.
  • Distribute to the skin with a smooth layer, leaving for 15 minutes.
  • After the allotted time expires, remove cool water.

For problem skin:

  • To 3 tablespoons of green clay, add 2 teaspoons of oils from grape seeds and 1 tablespoon of water.
  • Connecting components, mix well.
  • Applying to the skin, leave the mask for 20 minutes.
  • Wash the cleansing mass you need warm water.

Vitamin mask with the addition of essential oils

This composition will help to eliminate the problems of oily, prone to acne skin rashes:

  • It will take 1 dessert clay spoon, 1 dessert water spoon and 2-3 rosemary oil.
  • When mixing the components, a homogeneous cashem should turn out.
  • Apply the resulting mass for 10 minutes.
  • After the specified time expires, rinse with warm water.

Soothing and relieving mask irritation

The mask is suitable for normal and dry skin:

  • Take 3 dessert clay spoons, 2 dessert spoons of olive oil and 3 dessert spoons of the chamomile dosage.
  • Mixing clay and decoction of chamomile, gradually add olive oil. Watch that the mixture obtained is homogeneous.
  • Apply a mask on the skin when it lights up slightly, apply another layer.
  • Rock in 15 minutes with warm water.

Green clay based formulations

For dry and normal skin:

  • It will take 1 dessert clay spoon, 1 dessert spoonful of honey, 2 dessert spoons of sour cream and one ripe banana.
  • Mind well banana, add the rest of the components, mixing everything into a homogeneous mass.
  • Apply a mask on a purified face and leave for half an hour.
  • Wash it with warm water.

For fatty and prone to acne skin, skin:

  • The composition includes 2 dessert green clay spoons, 1 dessert white clay spoon, 4 dessert water spoons and 1 teaspoon of peach oil.
  • Stir two types of clay with water and only then add the oil.
  • Keep on the skin for 20 minutes.
  • Room temperature water is ideal for rinse with this mask.

Green clay masks are suitable for all skin types. Saturated minerals, prolong youth and give the face a healthy appearance. Regularly making masks, you will forever forget about cosmetology problems.

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