Blue clay from acne

Blue clay from acne

excellent means from acne rash is an blue clay. consuming microbes, she decreases risk infection and appearance inflammation on the skin. clay apply how mask, to not only get rid of from acne, but and align tone skin.

rules of application

Preparation and use of the mask of blue clay does not require much effort:

  • Front cooking masks need to thoroughly sift blue clay.
  • Apply clay only on the okay purified and steamed skin.
  • Not apply mask metal items and not mix ingredients v metal dish.
  • clay can breed broths from herbs for increase effect from masks.
  • Not move face after application masks.
  • Not perederzhivat clay more 20 minutes, to not formed wrinkles.
  • So how fatness on the skin not the same, masks can wither irregularly. To to avoid different degrees dry dampen water quick plots skin.
  • wash off clay only soaked v water cotton discs or wet napkins, not using soap.
  • After procedures apply on the face cream.

Recipes masks

Below are a few recipes masks with different ingredients, complementary effect of blue clay. Use the mask once every two days.

simple recipes

Blue clay may be used in pure form by diluting with water only or herbal infusions. Choose your favorite recipe for anti-acne and acne:

  1. Dilute the clay with warm water until the mixture becomes mushy. We apply and wait for drying. We wash off.
  2. Take 10 g of water and 10 g of cucumber juice. Dilute 30 g of the liquid clay. Adding to the mixture a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mask and wait until dry. We wash off.
  3. Mix 20 g 10 g clay badyagi. Fill it with water to a liquid consistency. Lubricates the skin with acne. When the mask dries, wash off the wet wipes.
  4. Take a spoonful of clay and diluted alcohol spoon. Adding a bit of aloe juice and stir. Apply the mask to the skin with acne and hold 15 minutes. Repeat mask every other day until the acne disappears.
  5. Mix 20 g clay with 5 g of apple vinegar. Add some warm water to the mixture. Lubricate the face with a casket, keep up to dry.
  6. We take 20 g of blue clay and add the floor of a teaspoon of sea salt. We stir up with three teaspoons of warm water until uniformity. Apply.
  7. We divor the blue clay with a decoction of chamomile to a pasty state. We apply a mask for 15 minutes. Wash the clay with warm water. We repeat the mask every other day.

Masks with multiple ingredients

From more ingredients, clay cleaning agents will increase at times, as well as the skin will be filled with vitamins and nutrients:

  1. Mix the clay and salt in the proportion of 2: 1. We add 10 g of glycerin and 50 g of a boric solution. We appline a mask from clay with a cotton disk to the skin area affected by eel. Use a mask no more than 2 times in 6 days, as it is very dry skin.
  2. Mix 2 tbsp. Spoons of clay and 20 g of aloe juice with three drops of rosemary or tea tree oil. Add some water and bring a mixture to thick consistency. We apply to the skin and keep drying.
  3. We whip the yolk, 20 g of honey and 10 g of vegetable oil. We mix the ingredients and add 40 g of blue clay. We pour the mixture with water and mix. We apply a mask and keep up to dry.

Blue clay is an excellent antiseptic and cleansing agent. Periodically using such masks, you get rid of skin problems before the appearance of inflammatory processes.

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