Black clay mask

Black clay mask

Black clay - it is a little greasy to the touch powder whose color varies from gray to black. It is the most dense in consistency, among other types of cosmetic clay. Its use provides quality purification and rejuvenation of the epidermis. In addition, black clay has anti-inflammatory action and toxins from the skin. In this article we will look at ways of cooking the most effective facial masks out of this clay.

The healing properties of black clay

This clay has a beneficial effect on the epidermis due to its rich mineral composition, it has a iron, magnesium, strontium, silica and calcium. With these substances it provides:

  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands, as well as the drying of oily skin.
  • Getting rid of skin rashes.
  • Pore \u200b\u200bcleansing and removal of comedones.
  • Improved circulation, which ensures normal complexion.
  • skin tightening and smoothing superficial wrinkles.

Terms of Use masks with black clay

By following these guidelines, you can easily prepare an effective face mask, in which the composition of this clay is available:

  • Do not use a mask of black clay with hypertension, fungal infections, rosacea, as well as open wounds.
  • After preparing the mask, apply a small amount of it on your wrist to make sure that there are no allergies to any of its ingredients.
  • Apply the mask on your face, avoiding the eye area.
  • Do not keep the mask on the skin for more than 15 minutes to avoid the feeling of tightness.
  • After removing the mask put on the face familiar to your cream.
  • Apply this mask twice a week. This is best done after a bath, steam the skin and cleanse her scrub.
  • After 10-12 procedures required to make a break for 2-3 weeks.

Options masks made of black clay

All recipes masks below are easy to prepare, and their components are readily available:

  • Classic. Inject black clay in water and apply it to the skin of the face without adding any additional ingredients.
  • From skin rashes. Prepare a chalk chalk. To do this, pour the glass of boiling water a tablespoon of raw materials and give it to breed within 60 minutes. In the resulting Nasty, throw the black clay powder.
  • Moisturizing. Connect the tablespoon of black clay, diluted in water, with a tablespoon of fatty sour cream and egg yolk.
  • Whitening. Divide black clay in heated milk. Couple 2 tablespoons of the resulting cream with a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of a finely chopped parsley greenery.
  • Cleansing. Mix on a teaspoon of warm calendula and freshly squeezed lemon juice. In the resulting liquid, throw black clay.
  • Softening. Connect a black clay powder dilated tablespoon with a tablespoon of cucumbers with a table spoon without seeds and peel.

Be sure to try to prepare one of these black clay masks and see for its effectiveness. The result is usually noticeable after the first application. Your skin will become more fresh and tightened, there will be less noticeable acne and shallow wrinkles. And with regular use of such masks, you will look much younger and more attractive without any salon procedures.

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