Black face mask from black dots

Black face mask from black dots

Black dots on the face are open comments, which are formed as a result of blockage of the mouth of the hair follicles with horny cells and skin fat. Wood coal-based masks will help to get rid of this problem, for whose specific color they are called black.

How does coal affect skin

Black dots on the face are formed for various reasons. It can be:

  • improper skin cleansing
  • poor-quality cosmetics
  • hormonal failures,
  • stress
  • unbalanced nutrition.

Activated coal is a natural absorbent that has a softening effect on comedones and purifies the pores. Masks based on this product have the following effect:

  • the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized - the fatness of the skin is reduced;
  • there is a deep purification of pores - black dots are removed;
  • coal has an anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effect - disappear acne, minor damage, the skin becomes more even and elastic.

Folk masks with activated carbon from black dots

These masks can be done at any age, they are suitable for all skin types and do not have contraindications. To improve efficiency, follow the following recommendations.

  • Before applying a mask, thoroughly cleanse the face from makeup, day dust, cream, skin salted.
  • Place a face leaning over a hot chamomile decoction and covered with a towel head. Hold your face over a ferry 5-10 minutes, then blot the napkin.
  • Apply a mask, slightly massaging the skin with your hands, and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Wash out warm water.
  • Wipe the face with ice cube from infusion.

For making masks, scroll the tablet of activated carbon into the powder and mix with one of the following compositions:

  • A tablespoon of white or blue clay dissolved in a small amount of warm milk.
  • Spoon of liquid natural honey and chopping cinnamon.
  • Weitally dissolve a teaspoon in two teaspoons of milk and put on a water bath for 15 minutes.
  • Aloe juice teaspoon, chopping sea salt, a couple of drops of any essential oil.
  • 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt.

These compositions can be applied both on an area subject to black points and to the entire face. An exception is the area around the eyes.

Finished black masks

If you do not have time or desire to mix various ingredients for self-preparation mask, you can buy a ready-made cosmetic product based on charcoal. In addition to coal, such masks contain skin extracts and plant fruits, essential oils, microelements.

Depending on the texture, such masks are the following types:

  • scrubs masks;
  • masks films;
  • hydrogel masks;
  • masks-creams.

Among the popular brands producing products based on charcoal can be allocated:

  • Pilaten;
  • Shangpree;
  • Freeman;
  • Origins;
  • Blackout.

According to the manufacturers of black masks, after their use, redness of the skin is removed, eczema and angry rash are passed, small wrinkles disappear, the texture of the skin of the face is eliminated, the pores are torn. Masks-scrubs or masks are recommended to rinse with massage movements with warm water, masks and gels and masks films are removed from the bottom up after complete drying. The mask can be applied on a cotton basis. In this case, the fabric is neatly superimposed and is distributed over the face, after which it is recommended to lie on a sofa or a bed.

Black masks are applied 2 times a week with oily skin and 1 time with dry. Use activated carbon tools for 3-4 weeks, and you will for a long time for the problem of black dots on your face. Being a completely natural product, coal transfers the useful properties of wood, makes it younger and healthy.


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Sonya 06/08/2016 at 0:26

good article Thank you!


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