How to make a mask from black dots at home

How to make a mask from black dots at home

Solve the problem of the appearance of black points on the skin of the face (acne) is possible at home. To do this, simply use the cleansing masks for the face that quickly and just cook. We will need the simplest ingredients and minimum costs.

Gelatin Mask from Black Points


  • gelatin 1/2 Art. l;
  • milk - so much so that the gelatin turn into a liquid cleaner.

Prepare a small container that can be placed in the microwave, a bruster or a cotton disk for applying. In the container, put on the gelatin and fill it with milk slightly more than the level of gelatin. Stir. Next, put the future mask in the microwave for 15 - 20 seconds, cool down and apply the composition on the face for 20 minutes or until gelatin does not freeze. Then carefully picker the film formed on the face and remove it from the face. Then carefully breathe warm water. Gelatin mechanically cleans the pores, and milk contributes to mitigating the skin. This universal mask. It is suitable even for very sensitive skin. It can be used three times a week.

Mask from black dots with soda


  • soda - 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l;
  • gel or foam for washing.

Mix soda and fine salt. Dilute this mixture with gel for washing so that it is convenient to apply. Gently spread the mask on the face and leave for 5-10 minutes. During this time, it may be a feeling of tingling. This is fine. So the soda acts, penetrated into the pores of the skin. Wash out warm water. Do not use this mask if you have on your face wound, inflammation or acne. This mask is well suited for oily skin, as it has a dry effect and helps to quickly get rid of oily shine. You can apply twice a week.

Egg Mask from Black Points

The mask is well suited for dry skin due to the nutritional effect of the egg. You will need only chicken eggs and paper napkins or towels.

  • Separate the protein from the yolk. Yolk in this recipe will not need.
  • Protein beat for a fork before the formation of light foam. This can be done by a regular fork.
  • Take the napkins and nap them into small pieces.
  • Foot overlook whipped squirrel. It is very convenient to use a brush (you can even take the one that for baking).
  • Take pieces of napkins and attach to the face. Thanks to the protein layer they will hold.
  • On top of the napkins again apply a protein layer.
  • Leave the mask for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, a lightly moisten the paper on the face and remove it. Such a procedure can be repeated no more often than two times a week.

Important! If during the use of any mask you have a burning sensation, itching or redness of the skin - immediately smear water and do not use this recipe in the future. Cosmetologist can individually choose a mask.

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