Black dots on the chin, how to get rid of

Black dots on the chin, how to get rid of

Black dots on the chin is a common problem of people with fatty and problem skin. Of course, they are not as noticeable as acne or acne, but also deliver many troubles. How to cure from black dots, you will learn from the article.

Causes of blackpoint education

Smooth, velvety face surface is very beautiful. But if you still look closer, even take a microscope or magnifying glass, you will see the smallest deepening over its entire surface. These are pores in which the sebaceous glands are located. With their excessive work on the discharge of pores, they are blocked and form ugly black points, speaking by the language of specialists, comaons. The reasons that provoke the activity of the sebaceous glands are improper nutrition, hormonal changes, incorrectly selected little-efficient cosmetics.

Proper nutrition - beautiful skin

Fighting with black dots start from the inside, or rather with a properly selected diet. Discard fat, do not add a lot of spices into the food, the sugar used should also be reduced. All this makes the sebaceous glands above the norm, helping the body to output all the slags outside. Eat more fruits and vegetables, use kefir or yogurt every day. And it is still very important to monitor the completeness of the trace elements obtained, you may need to drink a course of vitamins to improve immunity.

Steam baths from comedones

Eliminate black dots by cleansing the skin of the face, for this, follow these recommendations:

  • Boil the water and pour into a small cup, you can add any essential oil (lemon, sandalwood, peppermint or tea tree).
  • Next, lean over the tank with water, cover the towel and close your eyes.
  • So sit for about ten minutes, the pores will expand and will be well prepared for further procedure.
  • Now go to the squeezing of the comedones if the skin spars well, the dirt will go out without much effort.
  • You can complete the skin processing after squeezing with tonic, tinting pore.

Steam procedures are, of course, an effective way, but it also has its drawbacks. The first - breaking over the skin. The second is to squeeze points only with sterile cotton wands. If you use your fingers or nails for these purposes, then I do not know whether you will bring infection into the skin. And this can lead to the appearance on the skin of multiple acne or even more black dots. Thus, you will exacerbate your situation and strengthen the problem with the face. You still know that steam baths are contraindicated in the case when you have vessels close to the skin surface.

Homemade cleansing masks

Masks from blackpoints are applied after or before the breaking and squeezing procedure. Home remedies allow you to strengthen the effect of the procedure.

Oatmeal mask

Perhaps this is one of the most affordable beauty recipes, because there is oatmeal in the kitchen at any hostess. Grind the blender of oatmeal and add some soda. Then, in this mixture, pour a small amount of milk to this mixture so that a creamy substance is obtained after stirring. Apply this mask not only on the chin area, where the most points accumulated, but also on healthy skin. Do not massage and do not rub the mask, but only apply and hold a dozen minutes, then rush.

Clay binding mask

The availability and simplicity of preparation of the cleansing agent are combined here. You only need to go to the nearest pharmacy point where the packaging of cosmetic clay is sold. At home you add water into it, mix and apply to the face. For fifteen minutes of exposure, the clay will have an absorbent action, clearing, drying and having lost the surface of the face from oily shine.

Rice mask

Rice mask also applies from black dots. But it will not be able to cook instantly. It takes some time on the preparation of the main ingredient - rice. Rinse and pour with boiled water. Let it be imagining for the night, and the next day the fluid can dry, smash the softened rice and apply on the skin. As usual, we are waiting for fifteen minutes, then wash off.

Do not neglect the use of cleansing gels or strips, as well as various peels to eliminate pore clogments. They are also effective for freeing the skin from unnecessary dirt and fat. If you combine them in a complex with homemade face masks, you will get a great result, and the skin will look healthy and fresh.

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