How to get rid of the second chin

How to get rid of the second chin

Double chin is more often observed in people who suffer over weight. But the accumulation of adipose tissue in this area can be thin, with a slightly developed chin muscles. Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of the problem zone, which delivers aesthetic inconvenience.

The most effective and simple method of removing the second chin is to do special exercises. Just 15 minutes a day - and after a week you will see the result. A pretty well-known exercise is patting the back of the palm, you need to do at least 2-3 minutes. The next complex is walking on the room with a book on the head. For this, it is not necessary to take the hardest book. This exercise is very efficient and to eliminate the second chin, and to improve posture. Make a day for at least 5 minutes.

With regular execution, a selection massage is very well helped. It is recommended to do it before bedtime after applying a cream. And if instead of the cream to use honey, then you can also pull the skin of the chin. Sequence of actions during massage:

  1. The back side of both hands to make strokes, moving from the middle of the chin to the ears.
  2. The same actions, but already with patters.
  3. Inapplicit fingers to make chip pieces.
  4. Circular rubbing chin.
  5. Finish the procedure to stroking and rubbing.

If after chin gymnastics daily make masks and compresses, then the result will not make himself wait. A yeast mask: one tablespoon of yeast to dissolve in milk and confused to the creamy mass. Apply a mixture on a warm towel and leave for half an hour. After that, impose a mask on the chin and fix the bandage. Keep until the mixture hardens.
Cosmetic clay mask: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of powder to dissolve cold water so much so that it turns out a thick mass. Then lubricate the chin with a nutrient cream and apply a clay mask. Hold 10 minutes after clay hardening.

In addition to these safe methods, there are also surgical, plastic methods of getting rid of the second chin: ozone therapy, lipodestruction, laser liposuction, RF liposuction and platismoplasty. The most "harmless" procedures are ozone therapy and lipodestruction, which are reduced to the introduction of special drugs under the skin. Platmoplasty is a radical and fairly traumatic method of getting rid of the second chin. Use it when the muscles of the neck are saved due to the reduction of the tone.

Follow your posture, keep your head straight, sleep on low pillows, do not abuse oily food, and you will never come across the problem of the second chin.


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Kristina Kondratieva 08/41/2014 at 14:41

Horror, never thought that on the eyelashes and eyebrows, too, the modest is to be lice. It is to what extent on the head they need to run so that they move there. Tin No, no, when, as soon as I saw the first insects in the hair on the head, the child immediately went to the pharmacy. Why pull, if you can buy pairs and remove all this attack? Well, our hair is not long and the principle is clearly visible as well as what is happening on the head, but I probably did not immediately pay attention. Although the fact that the child has become a head often scratched - it has long been alerted me.


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