How to get rid of the second chin at home

How to get rid of the second chin at home

Erroneous think, what second chin is an the property exclusively full people. WITH this problem maybe collide human any complex. Reasons his appearance are next factors: hormonal change, extra weight, usage « fast» diet, wrong position head in time sleep, wrong posture, short tone cervical muscle, a also some anatomical peculiarities organism, mounted nature..

Massage with honey

Take fingers hands small number honey and lungs movements massage region your his second chin. Continue procedure bye leather on the it is place not start blush. Further wash honey warm, then cold water, after what apply cream. Such view massage okay moisturizes, a also nuts skin. Being enough effective, he will help get rid of from accusative, neesthetic second chin. Holding massage with honey forbidden people, suffering allergies on the the product.

Mask with lemon

Take marlu and fold v 23 layers. Wetting her in the middle outlied preliminary lemon juice. This bandage hold v flow 30 minutes v zone chin. After removal marley on the skin apply nutritious, fatty cream. By expiration 40 minutes weiss chin toy same marley, but moistened cold water. Procedures necessary conduct on the length month with periodicity across day. Lemon compresses make desirable front sleep.

Gymnastics for chin

Exercises must provide voltage muscle for strengthening muscle persons. They come on for receipt tightening effect front festive or responsible event. First loggy on the back so, to head hung. Slightly raise head and watch on the legs. Make the exercise fifteen once. After these exercise line neck and chin will be it is better visa. For next exercises sadimsya front mirror v convenient position. Elbows put on the trum and straggle muscles chin, teeth must be sy closer. Put forward chin slightly forward and rimmed his. Fingers gently walked on chin.. Such cotton on problem mestern make thirty.


Cold wrapping

The way wraps provide excellent results. For his sales take apple vinegar. Divide his water v proportions 1:1. Wetting v obtained composition marlu, folded preliminary v several layers, after what Place her on the zone chin. Above cover suitable size film, after scarf.. Remove compress about across 30 minutes, a skin lubricate moisturizing cream. By expiration half an hour necessary put cold compress on the chin with ice water, leaving his on the 10 minutes. For receipt desired result wrapping necessary to repeat two times v week.

Prevention of the advent of the second chin

Preventive measures should exclude the root cause, so experts recommend adhere to the following rules:

  • compliance with the rational and balanced diet;
  • daily execution of a complex of simple exercises, kneading cervical muscles - slopes back and forth and on the parties, circular head movements;
  • refusal while sleeping from high pillows, it is desirable to use orthopedic products;
  • regular self-massage of the problem zone;
  • use of household masks and necessary cosmetics.

The implementation of simple rules will help get rid of an inesttic second chin and will eliminate the possibility of the appearance of this defect. Regular work on its face and over him will erase his manifestation, without leaving traces.

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