How to get rid of the second chin

How to get rid of the second chin

Double chin, although completely harmless, can be one of the most irritating things in the world. Despite the fact that the additional layer of fabric under our chin is really annoying and unpleasant for us, the good news is that this cosmetic defect can be eliminated.

The reasons for the occurrence of the second chin

Double chin is a common problem. The blame for its appearance can be associated with such reasons:

  • The genetic predisposition responsible for the individual features of bones and face form, of course, is the leader in this list.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system - another factor. Sometimes changes in the neck and chin arise due to the illness of the thyroid gland and the development of diabetes.
  • Age-related skin changes that bring with them a decrease in the total tone of muscles and skin elasticity.
  • Excessive lighting, negligence in the field of exercise, poor posture, the wrong position of the body during sleep - have a significant effect on the shape and elasticity of the muscles.
  • Obesity or sudden weight loss, unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits - the best "friends" appearance of this defect.

Ways to reduce the second chin

  • Chewing gum is a simple and inexpensive way to eliminate annoying double chin. During chewing, the muscles of the face are mainly working, it allows you to save them a good tone.
  • Massion your double chin with coconut oil in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. Oil in front of the massage you need to warm up a bit.
  • Green tea creates wonders when it comes to eliminating an unpleasant extra chin layer, because it contains antioxidants that accelerate the metabolic rate. In turn, it will help you burn extra calories.
  • Satisfied your body with vitamin E. It will increase the elasticity of your skin and improve its general condition. You can find vitamin E in numerous food products. Its a lot in such products like: peanuts, liver, nuts, seeds, barley, legumes, brown rice and dark green leaf vegetables. If you do not like these products - buy vitamin in a pharmacy.
  • Try to walk with a high head-raised, sleep on a hard mattress.
  • An important role in the correction of the chin form plays the role of muscle training. Repeat vowels a, e, o, o, and, i, with a wide open mouth.

Cosmetic combat with the second chin

  • White or black clay mask. The clay is diluted with water or milk, applied to face and neck, and then flushed - pulling the effect is provided. Select items that are available to you and those that do not irritate the skin.
  • Mask from parsley. The chopped parsley is mixed with milk, apply on the skin of the face and neck. Keep fifteen minutes. Increases energy, moreover, gives the skin a fresh look.
  • Herbal wraps. A good lifting effect is given yogurt, cabbage, lemon juice, sea salt. The compress can be applied to the problem area and tie as a dental pain.
  • Good contrast wipes hot and cold towel, wiping ice cubes.

Exercises from the second chin

The type of exercise, intensity and duration should be selected individually. They can be combined with the imposition of cream. Light stretching exercises can be carried out in all conditions, even at work. The most popular and efficient:

  • Walking with a book on the head will help not only chin, but will improve posture.
  • Stant the "artist". Take a pencil in your mouth, clamp it with lips. Draw in the air all you want. Stretching and muscle tension in this exciting process has a very beneficial effect on the neck and face.
  • You can purchase a special massager. Their assortment is very large.
  • Effective exercise - you must sit with a straight back. Sit head, so you could see the ceiling and lower your shoulders down. Press the tongue to the sky, slowly lower your head down. Now you can relax the language and return the body to its original position. Repeat 10 times.
  • Another experienced exercise. You can sit or standing it. Wrap your head back, you must see the ceiling. Strain the lips and "Kiss" the ceiling. Keep a kiss for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Radical measures - Plastic Surgery Faces from the Second Chin

How to remove double chin quickly and forever? To see the result from massage and gymnastics, it is necessary for a long time and diligence in fulfilling all the recommendations. Many have no patience, but there is a material opportunity to use the services of a plastic surgeon.

The spectrum of the methods used here is too wide: from liposuction (removal of excess fat) to plastics of facial bones. Surgical procedures give the result of fast and long-term action. But, during recovery, complications may arise individually. In addition, it is expensive "pleasure" from the foregoing.

If you notice a sharp increase in the chin, the first thing you need to do is visit the endocrinologist. If you are healthy, you can help yourself or ask for professional help of a cosmetologist or doctor. Adjust your diet. Eat more natural products, more drink clean water and less alcohol. Stay beautiful!

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