The black dots on the hands, how to get rid

The black dots on the hands, how to get rid

The appearance on the hands black points often caused by changes in the pigmentation of the skin. Neoplasms rarely proceeds to step inflammation of the skin or indicate the presence of serious disease. Let's look at the problem from the inside and find method of solution. Compare below provide a description of skin lesions with their own and follow the recommendations.


Black color warts acquire as a result of disease of blood clots that accumulate in the blood vessels. Dark spots are formed mainly at the hands of older people. The young generation of the warts become black color after prolonged dwelling on the skin. Warts in nature - benign growths. However, the sudden appearance of this kind of entities should be alerted and serve as an occasion for a visit to a dermatologist.

warts treatment is conducted in the clinical setting by a laser, liquid nitrogen, elektroigly or radio waves. In addition to surgical treatment, your doctor may prescribe a medicine with local action.


Small dots on the skin of the hands may be the beginning of the development of moles. Take a closer look, at first, they are painted in rich red color, howeverBarely noticeable. If i went to proce ss transformatsii, point increases, Takes on a different color - consult a doctor immediately and do not take their own decision on the treatment of national method. Changing the size, shape, color mole - the first signs of melanoma. The disease originates from pre-existing moles on the skin. Be carefull!


species black points in the form of comedones not as dangerous as melanoma, but eventually it brings a lot of inconvenience. comedones to be removed, because they are undesirable in the formation of pores of the skin and often becomes a hotbed serious inflammation. Black comedones - superficial, not hidden under the epidermis. Appear on the skin as a result of increased activity of the sebaceous glands, Lack of hygiene, hormonal failure.

To remove surface comedones clean skin peroxide hands. Use the scrub on the basis of coffee grains. After carry out the procedure pilling applying cleaning masks. If after two weeks of regular use black points is less than - use mechanical cleaning.


Inflammation of the follicles in her arms often results from waxing. It is possible the emergence of black points after a mechanical depilator. Show the doctor of inflammation, and then take a joint decision on the method of treatment. When found, opened and deleted inflammatory focus, process for several months affected antiseptic zone.


It is impossible to talk about the treatment of the disease, the nature of which is not defined. When appearing on the hands black point, do not rush to use folk facilities. In most such displays are a signal of the presence of disease or dysfunction organism.

Do not take hasty decisions. Neoplasms of the skin - it is a signal for help. method of disposal of the Agree black points to the dermatologist. All that you can do without consulting a doctor - it is clear the skin of the hands soft scrub and rinse with a solution of chamomile.

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