How to get rid of hair on hands

How to get rid of hair on hands

Opinions regarding the presence of vegetation in the hands of the hands. But it is unlikely that someone will argue that smooth and well-groomed hands are ugly. Depending on the hormonal background (the level of androgens and testosterone), hair growth may be more or less intense. In addition, the excess of data of hormones leads to violations in the activities of the sebaceous glands, the hair begin to grow more actively, become long and thick. If, according to the results of the examination, the doctor does not diagnose the medical attack of active hair growth, many means of dealing with this cosmetic ailment will come to the aid.

Getting rid of hair on hands at home

If you decide to conduct a procedure at home, take advantage of progress or prepare the compositions with your own hands.

Ways to remove hair on hands

  • Shave is the most common method of getting rid of vegetation on hand. The advantage of it can be called speed, simplicity and painlessness. The disadvantage - the hair very quickly appear again and after a couple of days you will not feel a very pleasant bristle.
  • Depilation cream is a popular way to deal with hair. The advantages of the method are the same as the shave. Disadvantages are a short effect possible allergic reactions to cream components.
  • Vaxing - hair removal with wax. This method will show a good result if there is not too thick and thick hair, the length of which is more than 4-5 mm. Wax applying is made in the direction of the hair, and removal is against their growth. That is why the procedure is sufficiently painful. The resulting effect will continue about 3 weeks.
  • The epilator is a reliable assistant to part with unpleasant hairs for a long time (minimum month) at home. One of the main deficiencies of the method is soreness. The actions of the electric epilator often lead to the problem of ingrown hair, although the surface of the hands to it is not predisposed.

Folk recipes

  • Shugaring. Prepare a mixture of sugar (200 g), lemon juice and water (½ cup). Bring it to a boil and cool down. From the resulting composition, small balls should roll and remove hair with them. The lack of a method is small pain is still present. Of the advantages - the availability of all ingredients, your hair leaves for 3 weeks.
  • Fresh green walnut juice Water and handle hands 2-4 times a day before getting the desired result.
  • Prepare a mixture from ordinary and ammonia alcohol (35 and 5 g, respectively), as well as iodine (1.5 g). Treat the surface of the surface of the hands twice a day and after 2 days from vegetation there will be no trace.

Get rid of hair on hands in the cabin

Some hair removal methods are available only with the participation of specialists. One of their main drawbacks is quite high cost, as well as the need for procedures several times (4-8).

  • Laser hair removal is an effective, but still a painful way. Cons - weak efficiency with low contrast between hair color and skin tone.
  • Elos epilation - the pain is small. The procedure slows down the hair growth, but does not eliminate them completely.
  • Photoepilation - painless and contactless method. Cons - Possible redness and swelling, will not cope with gray hair.

Hair lightening

If the painful techniques do not like it, and the procedures in the beauty salons are scared by their value, make hair less noticeable will help their discoloration. The most efficient and safe is hydrogen peroxide. Before conducting the procedure, a sensitivity test is required.

  • Water hydrogen peroxide water and periodically process your hair with a cotton disk, moistened in the resulting solution.
  • In glass or porcelain dishes melt a piece of children's soap and add 3 tbsp. The resulting composition will cool down to the body temperature and apply for 10-20 minutes.
  • 10 hydroperite tablets align with 2 ampoules of the ammonia and 1 tsp. The resulting makeup is cast 1 tbsp of water and apply for an hour.
  • Prepare the chamomile decoction, linden or calendula (1.5 tbsp. The slow method, but the most secure.
  • Mix 1 tbsp of peroxide and 1 tbsp. Pure white toothpaste. The resulting mixture is reached by 15 minutes.

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