How to get rid of hair on hands

How to get rid of hair on hands

A large amount of hair on the hands of women is quite ugly from aesthetic point of view. The girls who collided with such a problem dream of smooth and gentle handles. What ways can be used to combat unwanted hairs?

Salon Hair Procedures on Hands

Hardware epilation is an effective tool that allows for several procedures to eliminate hair on hand. The disadvantage of such methods is a considerable cost, which does not allow them to be considered publicly available.

  • The laser - the effect of the laser beam does not cause unpleasant sensations and does not leave scars and irritation on the skin. This method is well suited for the owners of light skin, but does not affect sleeping hair onions. For complete removal of unwanted hair, it will take 5-7 interruption procedures up to 6-8 weeks.
  • Elos - use of the light pulse under the action of current. Suitable for hair of any color and stiffness in the active growth phase. Works in the hairs who have grown, at least 2-mm. May cause a small swelling at the treatment site. The number of sessions is 4-6 with interruptions to 2 months, depending on the growth rate of hair.
  • Electrotock is a new method of hardware epilation. Procedures are carried out with anesthesia, since the method of exposure is quite painful. Treatment is carried out in the hairs at least 5 mm long and effective for hair of any type. There is a risk of damage to the skin and infection after the procedure.
  • The light pulse is a safe and fast method acting on active follicles. Worse working with light or gray hair. The number of procedures until complete removal of vegetation is 6-8 sessions.

Hair discoloration

The clarification procedure does not eliminate the hairs in their hands, and helps to make them less noticeable. Over time, regular discoloration leads to the thinning of hair and weakening the follicle. Such a procedure can be easily carried out at home using 30% hydrogen peroxide.

  • Periodically rub the plots with unwanted vegetation with a cotton disk, moistened with undiluted peroxide.
  • If you have sensitive skin, prepare the composition: Sattail on a large grater a quarter of a piece of soft baby soap, melt and add 1 tbsp. l. peroxide. Slightly cool down and apply to the surface of the skin for 15-20 minutes.
  • Mix s art. l. peroxide, 1 tsp. Food soda and 2 ampoules of ammonia alcohol, apply this mass on your hands for 40-60 minutes, then smash thoroughly.

Home Hair Removal Methods

  • The traditional shaving allows you to eliminate the problem of excess hair quickly and without any preparation. It is enough just to moisten the skin and apply a special foam or gel. With the right use of the razor and the timely replacement of the blades, the skin does not remain any damage. Otherwise, cuts and irritations are possible. Do not forget to use softening cream or after shaving lotion. The disadvantage of the launcher is rapid growing, besides, the hairs are thicker and darker - shave their hands will have every 2-day.
  • Cream-depilators, as an alternative to the use of a razor, are a softer and painless way. Removal occurs with the help of chemical composition, the cream should remain on the skin for 5-10 minutes, then removed using a special scraper. The action of creams during regular use is directed to the gradual thinning of the hair, which in time partially disguises the problem. The negative point of this method becomes irritation, the likelihood of ingrown hairs and allergic reactions on the skin.
  • The use of household appliances and epilator allows you to remove hairs for a long time. However, this method will not suit women with a low pain threshold due to severe pain when pulling out. In addition, this method of epilation often leads to the appearance of increasing hair after the rustling.
  • Wax epilation can be made with hot creams or special strips with applied solution. The composition for wax epilation can also be prepared independently. The wax is superimposed in the direction of growth, and is removed - against hair growth. This method will help remove the hair from the surface of the hands on 2rd weeks. It should be noted that the method is also very painful, may cause swelling and redness.
  • Shugaring is the removal of hairs with a sugar solution. Take 1 cup of sugar, add 2 tbsp. l. Water and lemon juice, put on a slow fire and boil, stirring a little. Then leave to boil another 10 minutes without interfering. Epilation is carried out with a small piece of paste, which needs to be imposed on a problem zone and smeared against hair growth. It is necessary to remove the film in the opposite direction. This method is hypoallergenic and less painful.

Whatever epilation method you choose, do not forget to pre-conduct a test for an allergic reaction. After a session, it is necessary to provide antiseptic and restoring skin care.

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