How to get rid of hair on the stomach

How to get rid of hair on the stomach

A lightweight cannon in the abdomen does not cause special hassle of their owner. But what if unwanted vegetation is caught out of foreign glances in the midst of the beach season? Fortunately, there is a lot of ways to get rid of the hair on the stomach, resorting to the help of specialists of cosmetology centers or choosing more budget home methods.

Removal of hair on the belly cosmetologist

This method is characterized by a high cost and duration of the procedure, but hair growth stops for several months.

  • Photoepilation. The essence of the method consists in the intensive effects of light rays that pass through the special lamp filters. Finding into the follicles of the hair, the rays are absorbed by melanin and excrete energy that completely destroys the hair. There are several sessions, and after 2-3 weeks, hair disappear. Minus method - does not affect gray or blond hair due to the lack of melanin.
  • Laser removal. A cooling gel is applied on the stomach, and with a device with a laser for a few seconds, hair bulbs are destroyed.
  • Electroepilation. With the help of an electrical sensor, a specialist handles from each hairs separately. Under the action of current, the hair structure is destroyed.

Removal of hair on the stomach professional means at home

Special devices and creams are available in every cosmetic store. If the budget is limited, they can safely use at home.

  • Wax. Wax epilation or bioepilation involves the domestication of the hair, which is pre-lubricated with hot wax, and special strips are superimposed on top. The length of the hair should not be less than 6-7 mm, and not more than a few centimeters. Strips are removed by a sharp movement against hair growth.
  • Cream for depilation. Their choice is huge, but the essence is one - the chemical composition of the cream in 10 minutes "corrosive" hair. After several depilation procedures, the hair begins to grow thinner and colorless.
  • Lightening. This method is suitable for minor vegetation in the form of a dark gun. It is necessary to mix in the container (required glass or ceramic) ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in the ratio of 1:10. Apply a mixture on the hair and wash off after drying.
  • Machine or tweezers. With the help of the machine you can get rid of the hair on the stomach in 5 seconds. If there are few hairs, they can be pulled out by tweezers.
  • Epilators. The convenient device plucks the hairs with the root, but delivers painful sensations. To do this, you will need a gel with a cooling effect.

Removal of hair on the belly of folk methods

When there were no salons and epilators, the hair was removed by handicrafts. Some ways are relevant today.

  • Manganese. The bright pink solution is applied on the stomach and is covered with a film of minutes for 30 minutes. After several procedures, the hair will weaken and begin to fall out.
  • Egg white. Used to reduce hair growth. You need to smear the stomach after hair removal for 5 days.
  • Seeds of Durana. Ground seeds are bred by vodka to a cap-like consistency and insisted for 3 weeks. Then the stomach zone is processed.

To fully deliver hair on the stomach, you must first establish the cause of growth. Endocrinological diseases or genetic features of the body can be an impetus for their appearance.

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