How to get rid of the hair on the chest

How to get rid of the hair on the chest

On breasts in women, dark hairs look inappropriate and deliver a lot of psychological problems. There are many different means to eliminate unwanted hairproof anywhere. Consider the most efficient ways.

Vyching with a plug. This method will suit people who have very little hair on the chest. Before plundering, placing the body, and after it applines to the processed places an antiseptic. A similar procedure is quite unpleasant and long. In addition, after 7-14 days, it will have to repeat everything again, since the hairs will grow again.

Wax depilation. This method will suit people with a large number of vegetation on the chest. Buy special strips in the store, apply them to the chest towards the growth of hair. Remove strips in the opposite direction. The procedure is quite painful. After several repetitions, the hairs will become softer and light. To prevent allergies, do not forget to apply an antiseptic or cream on the processed place.

Depilation creams. This method is absolutely painless, but it also has a disadvantage - chemicals can adversely affect the skin. They break through the hairs that, after a certain period of time, it is necessary to wash off with water. Before applying the means first apply it to a small section of the skin.

Laser hair removal. This method is most reliable. Laser epilation can be made in a special cabin or contact the dermatologist. The laser beam affects the hair follicles, as a result of which the hair growth stops. The procedure is absolutely painless. After that you can forget about vegetation on the chest forever. Be careful after the session, do not remove the hair yourself, they will fall out after a while. There is another method of epilation similar to this - electrolysis. Instead of a laser, electric current affects follicles. This procedure takes quite a long time in comparison with the previous method and is painful.

Bleaching. Buy 3% of hydrogen peroxide and wake every day with her hair cover. After several procedures, they will become thin and lose color. True, this method will suit women with small vegetation on the chest, the rest will prefer to get rid of the ill-fated hair forever.

Chestnut. If you love traditional medicine, try the next tool. You will need 1 cup of horse chestnut fruits. Clean the fruits from the peel, put them in a saucepan and pour 2 glasses of boiling water. Put a saucepan on fire and stir at certain intervals. Continue to boil the decoction until all the water evaporates. When the mass is cooled, apply it to problem areas and wash in a few hours. The hairs must disappear.

A solution of manganese. This method will help to fall out with the root. Take a manganese and mix with her some water. You can regularly wipe the hair cover or make a steam bath for feet for 20 minutes.

Supplements. Remember that excess vegetation on the chest can be a symptom of any disease. You can eliminate the hair, but not the reason for their appearance. Visit the Endocrinologist's office and consult him about your problem. Perhaps there are hormonal disorders.

Choose from the above methods most appropriate. Painless methods are most relevant. After applying any means, do not forget to apply a moisturizer to the treated sections.

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