How to get rid of ingrown hair

How to get rid of ingrown hair

Ingrown hair is a common problem that accompanies almost all depilation methods. Most often hairs are growing after shaving or removing vegetation wax. In this article we will tell how to get rid of the ingrown hair.


Before shaving or removing vegetation with wax, epilator or cream wash the skin with soap. After that, apply a soft scrub and spend problem areas. Only after that, proceed to the processing of zones of increased sophistication.

How to get rid of ingrown hair

We remove the ingrown hair

Faster to get rid of this phenomenon will be able to use the needle and tweezers. Be sure to wipe the tool with alcohol or other antiseptic. If you do not see the hairs, and in its place there is a small bulge, pinched it with a needle. You need to free the hairs and snatch it with tweezers. So you can do only if there is no suppuration and inflammation at the site.

How to get rid of ingrown hair

If you have noticed redness, and the problem space hurts, you need to clean the row from the pus. To do this, apply a warm compress. It softens the thick layer of the skin and will help to get to the bulbs faster. After that, 2 times a day, handle a piece of chlorhexidine or Miramistin. If you do not have such drugs, take Furatciline tablets at the pharmacy. Prepare the solution and wipe them in the ingrown hairs.

How to get rid of ingrown hair


Oddly enough, ingrown hair and acne have the same structure, so the affected areas can be treated with special cosmetics from acne and acne. Excellent cope with increasing hair of substances with salicylic acid and zinc. Very effective is the "Bhat".

How to get rid of ingrown hair

Folk remedies

When delighted from the ingrown hairs will help folk methods.

Scrub from salt

Mix an orange oil with a large salt and add a little baby cream. You have to get a viscous castice. During the soul, apply a mixture to the sections that you often shave, and do it. This method removes the damaged layers of the skin and speeds up the output of the hairs of the capsule. After the procedure, take damaged by a mixture of salicylic acid and calendula tincture.

How to get rid of ingrown hair

Means from peroxide and bodian

Mix these two substances in equal proportions and apply to your feet and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpits. Hold 10-15 minutes. Do not worry, mild burning should be felt. After that, you need to wash off the composition with warm water and lubricate the skin with cream. Repeat the procedure 5-7 days. You will notice that all redness, stains and ingrown hair disappeared.

How to get rid of ingrown hair


For the manufacture of therapeutic ointment, let us give aspirin tablet into powder. Wake up a little glycerol and mix. Apply the composition on the vaccine and glue the plaster to the patient. Keep 1-2 hours. After that, wash the medicine with water. This composition helps pull out the hair out.

Remove stains after rustling

If you managed to remove the hair, but a spot remained in a sick place, try to remove it with ichthivo ointment. Lubricate the damaged area with the substance and clog the cellophane. The procedure is best done for the night. You can lubricate the spots with salicylic acid or zinc ointment.

How to get rid of ingrown hair

To avoid growing, make hair removal in the cabin. Instead of wax, use shugaring, after it there are practically no ingrown hair.

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