How to get rid of irritation after shaving

How to get rid of irritation after shaving

Often, after shaving on the skin, irritation arises - a small inflammatory process that delivers the inconvenience of both men and women. The causes of irritation are different, much depends on the individual characteristics of the skin, conditions, shaving accessories.

After shaving irritation appears if you:

  • insufficiently moisturize the skin when shaving;
  • use the electric shaver;
  • too frequent shame, the skin simply does not have time to adapt;
  • apply one-time machines or replaceable razor blades for too long;
  • choose the wrong time to shave, the most comfortable for the skin to do this evening.

To prevent irritation after driving:

  • well moisturize the skin before changing the hair, for it a little spark it, taking a bath, then - start the procedure;
  • when shaving, use warm water, but try it to be not hot, because Hot water opening the pores, allows you to penetrate into them with dirty particles, which in the future causes an inflammatory process;
  • when shaving, use special, intended for shaving, creams or gels, because The usual soap dries greatly and is an additional factor in the occurrence of irritation;
  • timely changing disposable machines or blades, stupid blade - the possible reason for not only irritation, but also skin damage;
  • after each procedure, rinse thoroughly and disinfect the machine;
  • the best effect and smoother skin are achieved when the razor moves against hair growth, but if you have irritation, you can choose a more sparing option - Break hair in the direction of hair growth, which will reduce the risk of irritation;
  • be sure to use after shaving.

After shaving funds moisturized with the skin and remove the negative consequences of the mechanical impact of the razor. It is necessary to apply them on wet skin, after applying, give the skin to dry yourself. If you have sensitive skin - do not use alcohol-containing lotions that are effective only for normal skin, prefer special means without alcohol content, which are fully suitable for your skin type.

Use skin care products cooked at home:

  • folded fresh bumps with fir, fill them with boiling water, let it brew, the decoction is used as a piece of leather for 5-15 minutes;
  • the finely lined parsley is filled with boiling water, after the decoction is enjoyed, strain, applying to a cotton swab, wipe the skin after shaving;
  • mix liquid vitamin A and E and almond oil, apply a solution on the skin;
  • wipe the skin with scales from calendula, chamomile or oak bark.

If the recommendations described above do not lead to the desired result, contact your medical specialist, because The reasons for the appearance of irritation on the skin may be more serious.

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Anna 10/01/2018 at 12:31

Sparking before shaving helps to avoid irritation. And after shaving, I will definitely nano on the skin of Ilon's ointment, it removes redness and irritation does not appear.

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