Each man sooner or later faces the need to shave. Usually, the solution is reduced to the acquisition of an expensive machine. But even the best razor tools cannot protect against cuts and irritation. Just a few simple recommendations will help you get rid of bristles on your face and get pleasure from the procedure.
How to shave - choose a technique
The happy owner of the electric shaver can shave the face without lotions and soap. If you take a regular razor and drive it on dry skin, then it is better to stock the plaster in advance. Our ancestors have long developed a wet shave technique that allows you to get rid of excess hair on the face without pain. To join this technique, proven over the years, it is better to purchase soap or foam. Under the influence of warm water, the upper layers of the skin soften, which ensures good sliding of the blade.
Careful shaving preparation
Prepare the skin or just rinse the face with water - these are two different things. Start shave from washing with warm water and soap. If the time in the edge, you can attach a hot wet towel to the bristle for five minutes. Then apply oil for a beard on your face, if you have a long bristle.
How to shave - applying foam
If you often have itching and irritation, take over the loss. Never use the grandfather soap. Buy special, which is used by the barberes. Fill the soap and carry the trough foam in circular motions into the skin. You can save time using a foam in a cylinder or a special cream.
How to shave - work with a machine
Shaving systems are easy to use, so they often choose newcomers. When you shave such a machine, do not press the handle strongly. The more you push on the skin, the less hair cuts and the higher the probability of injury and cuts. People with sensitive skin are often recommended to use the T-shaped razor. It is important to change the blade on time here and be able to keep a razor in your hands. The cutting edge should be at an angle of thirty degrees to the skin.
Most modern electric rates are designed for contact with water. If you have a model of Soviet production, then you need to shave it dry, that is, without water and foam. After shaving, be sure to apply a lotion or a moisturizing cream without alcohol.
Adherents of classical shave can purchase a dangerous razor. To avoid cuts, in the first two months of practice, shave the bristle on the plots that easily reach. Difficult areas handle the housing or other crowded machine.
At first, a disposable razor from the nearest supermarket will come down. It is important to take into account that a disposable product has a smaller mass, so you have to increase the effort on the handle.
How to shave - subtlety and tips experienced
- After each pass, rinse the razor head under the water jet. The hairs absorbed between the blades interfere with the normal slip tool. Before going through the previously processed area again, apply foam again.
- Even experienced brandobrey are not insured against cuts. Therefore, it is always necessary to have a hemostatic gel or mineral Alunite. They will help to quickly heal the place of the cut.
- The bristles never grows in one direction. As a rule, it is recommended to shave hair in the direction of growth. To get rid of naughty rigid bristles, you can sometimes neglect this rule by conducting against growth or mastrap.
6) Ending Shave Procedure
Repeat again, thoroughly massaging face. Then rinse the skin with cold water to prevent the hair rustling. Apply the aftershev or moisturizing lotion with aloe extract. Before going out, give the skin a little rest. Shave need not earlier than half an hour before leaving the house. It is not always possible to achieve perfect smoothness. In this case, it is desirable to acquire mitigating agents for the skin and beard oil. Oil is applied to three-day bristles for several days. Subsequently, it will be much easier to shave, and the hair will not be so hard.