How to get rid of hair in the bikini zone

How to get rid of hair in the bikini zone

Many modern women try to get rid of excess hair on the body with all possible ways, and more efficient methods are becoming an alternative to the usual shaving. In this article we will talk how to remove unwanted hairs in the bikini zone.

How to get rid of hair in the bikini zone - we use a razor

The cheapest and fast way to get rid of vegetation in the bikini zone - shave. With a high-quality and sharp razor machine, you can completely painlessly and in just a couple of minutes to make the skin in the intimate zone perfectly smooth. However, it has such a way and disadvantages:

  • If the razor is not sharp enough or not new, it is possible to cause strong irritation on the skin.
  • Bikini zone - the place is inaccessible, because sometimes the use of the machine is not very convenient there.
  • Relieved scattered hairs very quickly, after 1-2 days you will watch the bristle that will have to be deleted again.
  • Another disadvantage - ingrown hairs. Such a phenomenon is observed in places of inflammation.

How to get rid of hair in the bikini zone - remove hair with tweezers

Delete hair with tweezers for a long time and hurt, but they will grow back but they will not be as fast as after shaving. This method is extremely rare due to the above reasons. However, tweezers can be useful if you need to snatch several hairs unnoticed in the process of basic epilation.

How to get rid of hair in the bikini zone - chemical depilation

For chemical depilation, a variety of means in the form of gels, creams, lotions or sprayers are used. You can buy them in many stores, but to do it yourself will not work because of the complex components.

Pay attention to the fact that the bikini zone has very gentle skin, prone to irritation, and therefore, chemicals should be very high quality. Do not forget to pay attention to the use of their expiration.

Using creams and gel for depilation is very simple:

  • Read the instructions. Apply the desired amount of the product on clean skin by covering the zone where you are going to remove the hairs. Try to make the composition not hit the mucous membrane.
  • Wait as much time as indicated in the instructions.
  • Using a blade, which usually comes in a set, remove the cream and wash the skin with warm water.

How to get rid of hair in the bikini zone - wax

Wax depilation is considered an effective way, after which the hair does not grow much longer than after shaving or chemical depilation. Wax for such a procedure can be cold, warm or hot.

Cold, as a rule, is sold in the form of ready-made strips, which warmer in their hands, are glued to the processed zone, and then break. This manipulation is very painful.

Hot wax more often enjoy in the salons. Such a means is better warming up the skin, therefore the hairs are pulled out easier and less painfully. But the temperature itself, the temperature itself can deliver significant discomfort.

The optimal option for home use is warm wax. It is heated to a temperature of 38-40 ° C, they are applied to the bikini zone and wait for the beginning of the frozen. Then the special strips are glued and after final solidification are broken with a sharp movement.

How to get rid of hair in the bikini zone - the use of a depilator

Depilator is a special device to buy in the home appliance store. When removing vegetation on the body, you can be sure that the hairs will grow soon. But it must be borne in mind that this method is very painful, therefore they enjoy them only rare girls.

How to get rid of hair in the bikini zone - Shugaring

Shugaring is depilation with sugar. The method itself is similar to the wax hair removal, only the composition is used by a few different. You can buy a set for shugaring in the finished form, and you can do it at home, here is a recipe for such a fund:

  • 3 tbsp.l. Sugar Mix from 1 tbsp. Waters and 1 tsp. citric acid.
  • It's all in a small saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom, put on the weakest fire.
  • Mass in the saucepan should not boil and bubble, but must melt.
  • When sugar starts darker, remove the dishes from the plate, reclose the tool into another container and cool down to an acceptable temperature.
  • The mass for shugaring with proper cooking technology should not stick to hand.
  • Then we with a wet hand apply sugar paste on the bikini zone and break dramatically, thus removing the hairs.

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