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  • the beauty
    Ingrown hair, black dots, inflamed tubercles on the skin - a problem arising from many women with unsuccessful and poor-quality epilation, in men - with a frequent shaving.
    25.03.2019 283 0
  • the beauty
    Many girls face the problem of increasing hair. In addition, their appearance does not affect the method of removing unwanted vegetation.
    03.02.2019 333 0
  • the beauty
    Beautiful legs - the subject of adoration of men and the pride of a woman. But it is not enough to have beautiful ones from nature - you need to know how to care for your legs and make them smooth.
    15.10.2018 394 1
  • the beauty
    Slender legs are designed to be one of the main attributes of femininity. What is just not to resort to women to keep the beauty of the legs and get rid of their hair on them.
    03.09.2017 357 0
  • the beauty
    Shaving is an affordable and fast way to remove unwanted hair, but he has the main drawback - irritation.
    29.08.2017 509 1
  • Body care
    Each girl who has ever made the hair removal, heard about such a way to remove the hair cover from the body, like "Shugaring".
    05.06.2017 455 0
  • the beauty
    Nowadays, modern girls have very difficult. It is important to have time and study, and work, and lead the economy.
    04.03.2017 428 0
  • the beauty
    Many modern women try to get rid of excess hair on the body in all possible ways, and more efficient methods are becoming an alternative to the usual shaving.
    15.02.2017 436 0
  • the beauty
    Many women and men worries the problem of unwanted hair on the body. This is ugly and man is experiencing stress, especially a woman.
    22.12.2016 522 2
  • the beauty
    After removing hair, women are often encountered with irritation. In addition, this effect looks very aesthetically looks, it can still carry complications, such as inflammation.
    11.09.2016 507 0
  • the beauty
    Shugaring is an old, effective way to remove hair absolutely on all parts of the body with a natural sugar paste.
    26.07.2016 605 0
  • Epilation
    A lightweight cannon in the abdomen does not cause special hassle of their owner. But how to be, if unwanted vegetation is causing outsiders in the midst of the beach season?
    05.07.2016 627 0
  • the beauty
    Opinions regarding the presence of vegetation in the hands of the hands. But it is unlikely that someone will argue that smooth and well-groomed hands are ugly.
    05.07.2016 531 0
  • Epilation
    Ingrown hairs are a serious problem that is known to almost all girls who at least once made hair removal or in the cabin.
    05.07.2016 607 0
  • the beauty
    A large amount of hair in the hands of women is quite ugly from aesthetic point of view. The girls who collided with such a problem dream of smooth and gentle handles.
    09.06.2016 563 0
  • Lips
    Once the ladies were not comprehensive about the mustache over the lip, because at their temperament were in a special honor in men.
    01.05.2016 766 2
  • the beauty
    Modern cosmetology offers many means to remove unwanted vegetation on the body.
    25.09.2015 1547 0
  • the beauty
    The procedure of hair depilation in our time has become popular enough, since almost every person can complain to certain areas of the skin, where the presence of hair is extremely not desirable for it.
    16.09.2015 1824 0
  • the beauty
    The formic oil will help forever solve the problem of unwanted hair on face and body. It affects hair bulbs, slowing the growth of hairs, making them thin and light.
    15.09.2015 883 0
  • the beauty
    Depilation with wax is a popular service that almost any beauty salon offers. After her, the hair does not appear about two weeks, but again growing, becoming more rare and weak.
    13.08.2015 793 0
  • the beauty
    The fight against unwanted vegetation in some parts of the body is an inexperienced process for many.
    08.08.2015 788 0
  • the beauty
    The hair on the buttocks and between them grow like men and women. Such an echo of evolution delivers a lot of trouble, because it looks terrible, in addition, excessive vegetation in such intimate places is not hygienic.
    07.08.2015 2028 0
  • the beauty
    Ingrown hair is a common problem that accompanies almost all depilation methods. Most often hairs are growing after shaving or removing vegetation wax.
    05.08.2015 939 0
  • the beauty
    The hair in the nose is a kind of barrier that prevents the contact of the mucous membrane with mud and viruses.
    03.08.2015 829 0
  • the beauty
    Depilation is one of the most efficient ways to get rid of unwanted hair, but its huge disadvantage is the appearance on the skin of dark spots.
    31.07.2015 1780 0
  • the beauty
    Each representative of the beautiful sex is known to the epilation procedure, because the disposal of annoying excessive vegetation is one of the important items of the care program for appearance.
    11.07.2015 1181 0
  • the beauty
    The bikini zone is a very gentle and sensitive area on the body, therefore, before you begin to depilation of the bikini, you need to learn some of the subtleties of hair removal in this zone.
    11.07.2015 1380 0
  • the beauty
    Smooth and beautiful legs - the dream of any woman. And of course, I would like them to remain as long as possible.
    10.07.2015 824 0
  • the beauty
    Summer is the season of vacation and relaxing in nature. Therefore, on the sea coast or on the usual river beach, I want to look flawlessly.
    10.07.2015 1361 0
  • the beauty
    Often, girls have to deal with such a problem as skin irritation after shaving. Most often it is manifested in the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpits, the crotch, pubis.
    10.07.2015 981 1
  • the beauty
    Women seek to be unsurpassed in everything. This concerns not only manicure and makeup, now almost all representatives of beautiful gender remove hair from all over the body.
    08.07.2015 969 0
  • the beauty
    The hair on the back for many men are familiar. Typically, representatives of strong sex are not very complexed due to vegetation in the field of the back, but there are specimens that are struggling with excessive fraud.
    04.07.2015 1543 0
  • the beauty
    Sugar epilation is most safe, since the main ingredient does not contribute to the amazing of the epidermis and reduces the likelihood of rustling of hair.
    01.07.2015 644 0
  • the beauty
    It was believed that beautiful women's skin should be smooth, without excess vegetation. Therefore, the representatives of the beautiful sex removed it with all available means.
    01.07.2015 737 0
  • the beauty
    It is possible to remove excessively and painlessly to remove excess hair with the help of Shugaring. This procedure has proven itself very well in the beauty salons in recent years, but it is possible to make the removal of sugar mass and at home, because this requires ingredients that can be found in every home.
    28.06.2015 779 0
  • the beauty
    Shave is the fastest, simple and most affordable hair removal method on the legs. But it may occur so that instead of the desired results, smooth and silky skin, problems arise - irritation, red dots, skin inflammation, itching.
    22.05.2015 1310 1
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