How to make sugar epilation

How to make sugar epilation

Sugar epilation is most safe, since the main ingredient does not contribute to the amazing of the epidermis and reduces the likelihood of hair rustling. Goes legend that the founder shugarring Is the Great Queen of Nefertiti. In the ancient legends, it is described as slaves lubricated her body sticky mass and pulled sharply, extending Unwanted hairs at different parts of the body. Today, smooth well-kept skin is a luxury, available to every woman. For the preparation of pasta you will need only sugar, water and lemon juice.

Cooking paste

Recipe 1.

Take 10 tbsp. l. Sugar, 1 spoonful water and as many lemon juice. Pour sugar into metal comfortable capacity, add water and wrinkle from lemon, stirred carefully and put on a slow fire. Constantly mix. When mass gain Beautiful golden color and foam evenly, turn off the fire and immediately break the paste in a comfortable capacity - Let be cooled. Cooking time - 10-15 minutes.

Recipe 2.

On 6 tbsp. l. Sugar Take 1 Art. l. Water and 2 tbsp. l. Lemon juice. Stir and put on a weak fire. A paste on this recipe will have to cook a little longer. Thanks to excess fluid, the mass structure will be softer and plastic. If the paste on the first recipe can be used for the primary processing of the bikini zone, then this option suitable Only for thin weak hairs. Cooking time - 15-20 minutes.

Recipe 3.

We will prepare the paste in the microwave. Type in ceramic or glass comfortable capacity 4 tbsp. l. Sugar and one spoon of water and lemon juice, mix well. Set the heating power of the microwave oven to a position from 350 to 500 W, depending on the model. Put the sugar mixture into the device and turn on the timer for 2 minutes. Periodically take a look, does not get a brown tint liquid.

Technique use

No matter where you bought a paste or prepared themselves, follow the step by step process:

  1. Wash the skin with a conventional slicing soap (moisturizing cosmeticfunds Compare the process epilation).
  2. Praise The body portion on which you will make hair removal.
  3. Immediately before the procedure, degrease the skin with a special lotion or hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Plush the skin with a talc, baby powder or starch.
  5. If you do not have a medical spatula, then three medium fingers type tight sugar and confident movement apply on the skin against hair growth.
  6. Holding the screw with the second hand, make a sharp, but short jerk back.
  7. Repeat the procedure until it is completely cleansing the desired zone from the hair.
  8. After epilation, treat the skin with an antiseptic and moisture.


It's important to know

If you are going to make sugar epilation, then be sure to consider the following points:

  • Hair must grow at least up to 4 mm, ideally - 5 mm.
  • Sugar paste is applied against hair growth, and is removed by growth.
  • Applying the paste, make sure that the hair bend back, then the epilation will be effective.
  • To check whether the paste is already welcome, take a little mixture on the teaspoon and dripped into the water: if drops (circles) of the right shape were formed at the bottom, and not blots, then sugar pasta is ready for use.
  • If you prepared the paste, then type the desired amount of the mixture, then place the rest in the refrigerator.
  • If the pasta "worked", warm up her It is possible on the steam bath or in the microwave (literally 8-15 seconds for plasticity).
  • When applied slightly stretch the skin and keep her Before you do not run.
  • In order to reduce pain, pull out the hairs with small distances, well stretching the skin.
  • Remember, the movements must be strictly horizontal, that is, reacted - forward, rweet. - back.
  • Buy a regular medical spatula - work much more convenient to them than fingers.
  • The longer hair, the more difficult the process.
  • Lemon juice can be replaced with acid.
  • If you do sugar epilation not yourself, necessarily Use gloves.

Sugar epilation will get from your first time, if you follow the advice and do not regret yourself. After all, one thing when "Jerk" makes a master and another when predictive sensations fear Slowly tear off the paste - it hurts, unpleasant, and no result.

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